This girl I wanna fuck has been going off on non-vaxxers on fb today. It's driving me crazy to sit back and not say anything
Wait, so are you anti-vax or nah?
I'm on the fence. I've read some compelling stuff to show they can be harmful, but both of my kids are vaccinated. What I really hate is people making it their mission to force others to do it. Like this bitch is calling for prison for parents that don't vaccinate their kids and that's just fucking wrong. It's such a slippery slope to give the govt that sort of say over our bodies. The irony is not lost of me that all of the militantly pro-vaxxers are pro-choice when it come so to abortion. Such a bunch of hypocrites
Only difference is your choice for abortion only affects you and your potential kin. Your choice to not vaccinate affects others around you like old people, young children, or children unable to vaccinate due to medical reasons.
My opinion is that it's definitely a topic worth at least putting some thought into and not just blindly following the herd. I won't condemn people for their decisions either way. I definitely wouldn't allow the gov't to force someone to do it. It's just too slippery a slope.
My opinion is that it's definitely a topic worth at least putting some thought into and not just blindly following the herd. I won't condemn people for their decisions either way. I definitely wouldn't allow the gov't to force someone to do it. It's just too slippery a slope.
Its less to do with the government and more to do with people rejecting science because they're fucking dumb. Anti-vaxxers are right next to flat earthers and healing crystal believers in my book
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Just busted my Buck-ees cherry in San Antonio
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)