For sure report that shit though. Its disgusting either way but being linked to an actual hate group makes it much more of a threat and much more likely something may get done about it.
A really good summertime drink 2 shots of Capt Morgan 1 shot of Malibu Pour over Ice Some Pineapple Juice Some Lemon-Lime Soda Splash of Blue Curaco (Maybe spelled that wrong) pronounced Cure-ra-so Wicked Pirate or Capt Jack Sparrow..whatever you want to call it Make one for your girl..she will love it garnish with some limes or lemons or whatever is colorful
This being a "music" forum I'm sure the majority of us listen to music really loud. If you ever come down with Tinnitus eat tons of fresh pineapples..It really helps with it and other benefits to it. I speak from experience. I now get some days where my ear doesn't ring at all. Sometimes I can go 4 or 5 days without ringing and it also really quiets it down to a different lower pitch when it does ring. It did for me anyways..Everyone is different
You keep missing my point. I'm not talking about the rhetoric. Fuck all of it and the violence too. Another assumption you made BTW.
Racism sucks. All of it. None of it is OK. We agree on that. Yay! GO #TEAMPEOPLE
You guys can debate the difference between 100 sub genres of metal but can't see the distinction between Nazi's, the kkk, peckerwoods and just regular racist people? Really? All I'm saying is the verbiage and distinction is important.
Anybody who wants to exntinction of non-whites is the same in my eyes. The rally nazis and kkk folk were holding in Charlotesville was called #UniteTheRight. They are teaming up. So no, distinction isnt important. Now shut the fuck up if we're really on the same side.
Nope. Not shutting up. Free speech bitch, even if you don't like it. NC wasn't the discussion, Dimes neighborhood was. Quit twisting shit. The fact that you don't think the distinction matters leads me to believe you haven't had much real world interaction with most of these scumbags other than bumping gums on the internet. Lucky you.
A casual racist thinks your mom will steal the silverware while she cleans their house.
The Klan is a bunch of hooded pussies who will make a lot of noise while hiding privately in groups and can sometimes be dangerous in mobs. Could be a coworker though, they usually aren't as vocal about it publicly. They might chase you out of the neighborhood.
Hardcore Aryans and Peckerwoods - these idiots aren't gonna print off a flyer to get somebody fired. They have nothing to lose. They make people go missing. They aren't hiding their beliefs either. Especially as a self proclaimed pacifist, you had better know who you are fucking with.
If you want to "fight" these people you have to know who you are dealing with. Some you can educate. Some you can publicly shame. For some, neither one will work.
y r nazis such scumbags, communists have murder 10 times the amount of people that nazis did. America has murder millions of people to spread democracy and world dominations... i dont get u fhagz.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I don't get how you can see what Dime came across and NC as too completely unrelated events. Sure, one was a rally where things actually got violent and the other is possibly an idiot white supremacist in one neighborhood. They're still a part of the same problem. People from Dime's local KKK faction were likely represented at the rally in NC. It doesn't matter if some only want to run me out of the neighborhood or its somebody who is willing to actually harm/kill me. They all want me, dime, Ed, Jake, marco, cheez, etc out of the picture, and I'm sure most would prefer us dead.
Also my mom doesn't clean houses, she sells them. I get what your point was trying to be, but nah.
I don't deny the ways in which they are similar, but the difference between the groups isn't an unimportant detail when it determines how these organizations operate and what they are willing to go through with. The difference between who might call Dime a darkie and who might actually stab him might be a good thing to know when it comes to his real world safety.
I don't like gangs either but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend the Latin kings, M13 and the Zeta Cartel are all on the same level. There are spectrums to this shit.
We're not talking about gangs tho, we're talking about hate groups. For all we know, the "casual" racist calling Dime a darkie is part of a hate group. Sure, not all hate groups have the same methods, but they all have the same goal. In the case of white nationalist organizations whether they be neo-nazi factions or KKK factions, they want ethnic cleansing. Whether or not they intend to do it by convincing people that ethnic cleansing is ethical, or people who are willing to do it by hand in the streets, that is bad and I think it needs to be shut down 100%. so whether or not somebody is a klansmen, an "alt-right" white nationalist, or a neo-nazi, or some fucked up combination of the three, doesn't matter to me. they are all the same disease.
also I know I come off as an asshole a lot, but Jobe I appreciate all of your family that fought the Nazi bastards over seas and saddened your family were victims of the 3rd reich. I just don't want to see that shit happen in America.
hate group im talkin about a county where there is proly a total of a dozen blacks if that living in it... if youre black n roll into anyone of these small white communities cops will pull u over just for being black... the whole country side over here hates all minorities... i have to watch what i say around these people theyre quickly offended
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
2 shots of Capt Morgan
1 shot of Malibu
Pour over Ice
Some Pineapple Juice
Some Lemon-Lime Soda
Splash of Blue Curaco (Maybe spelled that wrong) pronounced Cure-ra-so
Wicked Pirate or Capt Jack Sparrow..whatever you want to call it
Make one for your girl..she will love it
garnish with some limes or lemons or whatever is colorful
Is there any legit science behind this or is it a Gary thing?
A casual racist thinks your mom will steal the silverware while she cleans their house.
The Klan is a bunch of hooded pussies who will make a lot of noise while hiding privately in groups and can sometimes be dangerous in mobs. Could be a coworker though, they usually aren't as vocal about it publicly. They might chase you out of the neighborhood.
Hardcore Aryans and Peckerwoods - these idiots aren't gonna print off a flyer to get somebody fired. They have nothing to lose. They make people go missing. They aren't hiding their beliefs either. Especially as a self proclaimed pacifist, you had better know who you are fucking with.
If you want to "fight" these people you have to know who you are dealing with. Some you can educate. Some you can publicly shame. For some, neither one will work.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Also my mom doesn't clean houses, she sells them. I get what your point was trying to be, but nah.
I don't like gangs either but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend the Latin kings, M13 and the Zeta Cartel are all on the same level. There are spectrums to this shit.
2nd dude said: "thats fukkin dirt weed, man, dont come around here talkin like a nigger"
i live around these people i just say nothing. but its like that about everything out here.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)