Might be an inside job. Seems fishy. Either way, this is sad as fuck. Black Hole Sun will always have a special place in my heart because I used to get high as fucking balls to that song daily. R.I.P.
It's just weird because he was already talking about the next show. If he had bad mental problems/depression he sure did hide it well.
people with those issues do tend to hide it very well
Not really though. Some do, I agree with that but alot of people I've known that have had these issues have been vocal about them. I guess it depends on the individual though. Some people just have a foolish pride thing going on where they feel like they don't need to reach out to anyone and don't need help.
Or maybe the FBI did it
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)