It's embarrassing how much I have to get on urban dictionary to make sense of my life. Do you know what it's like to not understand a single Pokemon, DBZ or Harry Potter meme...ever?
I see why I'm lame. I hate when I read shit I wrote like 2 years ago on this board. Even I can't tell if I was trolling at the time or if I was just being a knowitall douchebag. Interior dialogue be like "Why, Lawd? Why???"
damn is Satan about to hit a midlife crisis? or is this just existential?
More imagined. I can't take things seriously enough to actually have a crisis. Deep down, I'd be one of those guys laughing at an oncoming comet or tsunami. It's how I cope with how terrible life is
Got my third anniversary badge for this Place a couple weeks ago and didn't even notice. Man, I feel like my two year was just the other day. Crazy as heck time is flying. And the craziest thing is, is that I'm still a noob compared to most of you.