I hate organized religion, but I believe there is merit to spirituality/mythology. I dislike monotheism so much because it's pretty much an explanation of the universe that attributes everything to one creator, and then one person is to tell you how these writings, which have been around for thousands of years before they were even written down, are to be interpreted. I'm not pagan or polytheistic really, but I think for the most part they have a better idea of spirituality and the nature of the universe than monotheists. So much of pagan/spiritual/metaphysical thought is about focusing on yourself and how you can be best prepared for death (being a good person and using this life to the fullest potential), instead of upholding and forcing a strict moral code so you don't burn in hell. And as I've been saying, many of the stories in myth aren't just made up bullshit about stars, but real history coded in symbolism. I think that knowledge is interesting.
to me the underlying belief in any worthwhile form of spirituality is that we are all/came from one source (big bang or something else I don't know) and should live in harmony with universe as a whole and of course our surrounding environment, aka the earth. when we live in a secular society, we see everything as purely material and so we can manipulate it to suit our needs, even if it fucks over the environment and causes things like climate change. I'm not going to dismiss science at all, but I believe we need a paradigm shift to change how we view our relation to the only planet we can live on, and I believe pagan forms of spirituality. what's bad about that? how's that the same as monotheism?
Because its rooted in the same bullshit.
A lot of monotheists do some great things too. Doesnt change the faith is bullshit.
The same can be said of your hipster religion.
you're not getting the part where I'm not strictly talking about faith. it's like talking to a brick wall. the roots are not bullshit. you can believe whatever you want but you won't understand it until you expand you mind, something you clearly have no interest in doing.
I hate organized religion, but I believe there is merit to spirituality/mythology. I dislike monotheism so much because it's pretty much an explanation of the universe that attributes everything to one creator, and then one person is to tell you how these writings, which have been around for thousands of years before they were even written down, are to be interpreted. I'm not pagan or polytheistic really, but I think for the most part they have a better idea of spirituality and the nature of the universe than monotheists. So much of pagan/spiritual/metaphysical thought is about focusing on yourself and how you can be best prepared for death (being a good person and using this life to the fullest potential), instead of upholding and forcing a strict moral code so you don't burn in hell. And as I've been saying, many of the stories in myth aren't just made up bullshit about stars, but real history coded in symbolism. I think that knowledge is interesting.
to me the underlying belief in any worthwhile form of spirituality is that we are all/came from one source (big bang or something else I don't know) and should live in harmony with universe as a whole and of course our surrounding environment, aka the earth. when we live in a secular society, we see everything as purely material and so we can manipulate it to suit our needs, even if it fucks over the environment and causes things like climate change. I'm not going to dismiss science at all, but I believe we need a paradigm shift to change how we view our relation to the only planet we can live on, and I believe pagan forms of spirituality. what's bad about that? how's that the same as monotheism?
Because its rooted in the same bullshit.
A lot of monotheists do some great things too. Doesnt change the faith is bullshit.
The same can be said of your hipster religion.
you're not getting the part where I'm not strictly talking about faith. it's like talking to a brick wall. the roots are not bullshit. you can believe whatever you want but you won't understand it until you expand you mind, something you clearly have no interest in doing.
History, culture, art, stories. Those are not religion/spirituality. Those are history, culture, art, stories.
Spirit is some bullshit metaphysical nonsense.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)