Fuck that flag, fuck that anthem, and fuck this country. I been behind him 100% since it started. And he's done more for this country than any of the white trash talkin shit ever has. Oh but we ain't gonna talk about that.
What has he done? Lol Sat for the anthem and played football?
Fuck that flag, fuck that anthem, and fuck this country. I been behind him 100% since it started. And he's done more for this country than any of the white trash talkin shit ever has. Oh but we ain't gonna talk about that.
Just curious as to what he has done......got any examples
Yall ain't serious right?
yeah..dead serious...besides exercise his right to be a dick on someone else's stage what has he done
My issue with Kaepernick is that he admitted that he doesn't even vote so yeah, fuck him.
None of our votes matter but that's a fly ass wool coat bro.
If you live in NY or Cali then your vote doesn't matter because of the dense population is the cities but everywhere else your vote does matter..Recent election is a great example of that
Hilary won the popular vote you fucking retard. :l So yes it is a great example of why and how our votes don't matter and never have. Good job Pinocchio.
Fuck that flag, fuck that anthem, and fuck this country. I been behind him 100% since it started. And he's done more for this country than any of the white trash talkin shit ever has. Oh but we ain't gonna talk about that.
What has he done? Lol Sat for the anthem and played football?
Fuck that flag, fuck that anthem, and fuck this country. I been behind him 100% since it started. And he's done more for this country than any of the white trash talkin shit ever has. Oh but we ain't gonna talk about that.
Just curious as to what he has done......got any examples
Yall ain't serious right?
yeah..dead serious...besides exercise his right to be a dick on someone else's stage what has he done
My issue with Kaepernick is that he admitted that he doesn't even vote so yeah, fuck him.
None of our votes matter but that's a fly ass wool coat bro.
If you live in NY or Cali then your vote doesn't matter because of the dense population is the cities but everywhere else your vote does matter..Recent election is a great example of that
Hilary won the popular vote you fucking retard. :l So yes it is a great example of why and how our votes don't matter and never have. Good job Pinocchio.
Sorry assfuck but NY and Cali don't determine our president alone clown
Fuck that flag, fuck that anthem, and fuck this country. I been behind him 100% since it started. And he's done more for this country than any of the white trash talkin shit ever has. Oh but we ain't gonna talk about that.
What has he done? Lol Sat for the anthem and played football?
Fuck that flag, fuck that anthem, and fuck this country. I been behind him 100% since it started. And he's done more for this country than any of the white trash talkin shit ever has. Oh but we ain't gonna talk about that.
Just curious as to what he has done......got any examples
Yall ain't serious right?
yeah..dead serious...besides exercise his right to be a dick on someone else's stage what has he done
ehhhhh call me a sheep but after this last election, I kind of think that to at least some degree votes do matter.
I was so dead sure that it was gonna be trump from the very first super tuesday, up until about 48 hours before the election, at which time I said "alright, maybe it is gonna be hillary." I thought that satan made a good point saying it was gonna be hillary all along and trump was in on it the whole time, trying to push the envelope more and more so that hed lose.
My issue with Kaepernick is that he admitted that he doesn't even vote so yeah, fuck him.
None of our votes matter but that's a fly ass wool coat bro.
If you live in NY or Cali then your vote doesn't matter because of the dense population is the cities but everywhere else your vote does matter..Recent election is a great example of that
Hilary won the popular vote you fucking retard. :l So yes it is a great example of why and how our votes don't matter and never have. Good job Pinocchio.
Sorry assfuck but NY and Cali don't determine our president alone clown
She won the popular national vote you fucking jackass. As in the collective total of all 50 states. Not jus NY and Cali. I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to do any actual fact checking tho.
My issue with Kaepernick is that he admitted that he doesn't even vote so yeah, fuck him.
None of our votes matter but that's a fly ass wool coat bro.
If you live in NY or Cali then your vote doesn't matter because of the dense population is the cities but everywhere else your vote does matter..Recent election is a great example of that
Hilary won the popular vote you fucking retard. :l So yes it is a great example of why and how our votes don't matter and never have. Good job Pinocchio.
Sorry assfuck but NY and Cali don't determine our president alone clown
She won the popular national vote you fucking jackass. As in the collective total of all 50 states. Not jus NY and Cali. I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to do any actual fact checking tho.
You're a fucking idiot.....you have any idea homay of those votes came from NY and Cali you fucking stupid fuck
Anyone who has beef with Kaepernick's protest of the national anthem is at the very least a closet racist, I doubt there'd be nearly as much outrage if it was a white player.
Nah it's the fact that he's a fuckin hypocrite. He was raised by white parents and lived a privileged life compared to most minorities and now wants to stand up for them (by taking a knee(lol)) because he's not the starting QB anymore. He's taking a knee for himself. Not for anyone else.
I was so dead sure that it was gonna be trump from the very first super tuesday, up until about 48 hours before the election, at which time I said "alright, maybe it is gonna be hillary." I thought that satan made a good point saying it was gonna be hillary all along and trump was in on it the whole time, trying to push the envelope more and more so that hed lose.
now idk wtf to believe.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)