yeah, people were trying to blame it on BLM but it was a racist white guy. Last week he was waving a confederate flag at black people at a baseball game. I doubt that'll stop fox news anchors from trying to blame it on BLM tho.
Today is going to be a very emotional day for my family. We're a Cubs family. And noone was a bigger fan than my grandfather who passed away last year. Today was his birthday. My family is getting together to watch the game (I have to work though). But win or lose, today is going to be very emotional.
I think I might witness my uncle cry if they win lmao. Man is completely die hard and has watched/listened to damn near every game every single season. Even all the countless poverty seasons. 60 and has seen as many Cubs championships as me.
Oh and he's very srs bout sports. It happened either before I was born or when I was an infant, so I was told secondhand...but I guess Bears were in the playoffs, they had a big playoff party, and the Bears lost. Immediately following the loss, nobody could find him at the party.
They find this nigga drunk as fuck up in the tree in the backyard cryin like a bitch. ))))))
Im by no means a sports guy. But I dont see how people getting emotional for sports is any different than me getting emotional at a Devin Townsend concert.
They find this nigga drunk as fuck up in the tree in the backyard cryin like a bitch.
Sport saltiness runs in the family.
"Damn sports are fucking dumb"
only at MU.