I'm kind of amazed and confused as to why Erik still posts here. It's clear the 9 people left don't care about you yet you still post even with relentless bashing. It's just odd to me.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Anyways, any other point made bout the logo is retarded. First off, comments bout consistency and legibility of a logo comin from fans of a genre who's logos are so notoriously illegible that they've become meme status. Gold. )
At that, it ain't a fuckin font or school paper. It has no rules. It's art and can be whatever the fuck you want it to be. It has no guidelines to follow. No aesthetic? The aesthetic IS the loopiness of it. Which is why in the edits I made, you can see that removing em throws it off.
This is Travis Scott's logo. It's technically a mess. The first of the last 2 T's is randomly uppercase for no reason. The size of the letters is all over the place and inconsistent. It looks like somethin he doodled. But it's dope to me. It's unique and it's HIM. It fits the erratic nature of his music.
And naw it don't bother me it's jus pathetic. When the immediate reaction is "Terrible" and "You wasted your money.", put as much lipstick on that pig as you want, that ain't constructive criticism, it's mindless hating because of who posted it. And when the only ones talkin shit are the usual old dusty pieces of shit, Jobe, Satan, UP, Rex...sensing a pattern here? I could have had a world class music industry graphic designer make my shit and dumped thousands into it, it could have been a classic unforgettable logo like the Metallica logo...and these pathetic mfs would still find a way to spin it into how bad it is. Terrible? Being compared to Catz websites? Lol right.
The quality is clearly there. The effort was clearly put in. It looks clean and professional. Whether it's your cup of tea or not I don't give a fuck. But to make up bullshit jus to hate is pathetic. At least I'm puttin in the effort to distinguish myself and establish a brand. And at that designed it myself instead of havin someone else draw it for me. I'm one of the very few local artists around here that even went the extra mile to HAVE a logo. Most these mfs jus slap their name on their covers in a generic ass font.
There's still a good 15 or so active members. 4 ain't the whole board. I'm cool wit anybody else on here. But them + Catz are literal scumbags and I would gladly throw hands given the chance. I can't stand a hater. And it ain't even cause it's directed at me. I don't even like any mfs who sit on FB all day constantly talkin shit about other people.
Why do you think I could never stand Leah? It had nothin to do wit what she said to or about me. She was a professional hater. Literally all she did was hate on and talk shit about any and everything. I can't stand mfs like that. That shit's sad.
At that, it ain't a fuckin font or school paper. It has no rules. It's art and can be whatever the fuck you want it to be. It has no guidelines to follow. No aesthetic? The aesthetic IS the loopiness of it. Which is why in the edits I made, you can see that removing em throws it off.
This is Travis Scott's logo. It's technically a mess. The first of the last 2 T's is randomly uppercase for no reason. The size of the letters is all over the place and inconsistent. It looks like somethin he doodled. But it's dope to me. It's unique and it's HIM. It fits the erratic nature of his music.
> you're not worth my time
The quality is clearly there. The effort was clearly put in. It looks clean and professional. Whether it's your cup of tea or not I don't give a fuck. But to make up bullshit jus to hate is pathetic. At least I'm puttin in the effort to distinguish myself and establish a brand. And at that designed it myself instead of havin someone else draw it for me. I'm one of the very few local artists around here that even went the extra mile to HAVE a logo. Most these mfs jus slap their name on their covers in a generic ass font.
I didn't even really hate on it. I was just saying pretty much anyone could do that in a day if they aren't retarded.
Does that change the fact it's simple as fuck and could be made in Illustrator in literally 5 minutes? Kill yourself.
That one could be made in 2 minutes.