Well he came back a little while ago. And unfortunately there is some pretty strong evidence that he is cheating on my Mom. Me and my brothers are going to investigate further still but yeah...it really doesn't look good.
dont be investagatin... u dads a grown mayne
Obviously but this is something that I would need to know.
Gonna be a long post but here goes. So he comes back that late and of course most of us are still up waiting for him because we're wondering what's up. He walks through the door and goes to sit down and his phone immediately goes off. Two texts alert and a Facebook alert. Couple things about my old man; 1.) He hates Social Media and doesn't have anything social media related (or so we thought) and 2.) He doesn't text. Like ever. So this throws up some red flags right away. So my Mom asks to see his phone and he denies at first. Like hardcore almost "I'm guilty" why do you want to see my phone behavior. He clicks away real quick at some shit before he passes it over and of course it was to erase his call history and messages in his inbox. Another pretty shady move. Noticed he was also shaking hardcore when he passed it over. My Mom is really good with tech so she popped up his Facebook real quick. You guys don't understand how weird that is. He hates Social Media and has never had anything. So she sees he has a Facebook which is weird enough and about an hour before he randomly dipped he was outside talking to me and my brother and the entire conversation was some random crap about what can and can't be seen on Facebook, what can be made private etc. So all the pieces are kind of falling in place and lining up weirdly when we get to the final piece of the puzzle; my mom pulls up his downloads tab and she finds a picture with a heart on it, addressed to my Dad, which read I love you sweetheart, with a phone number under it. So yeah, obviously this could be something completely different then what we think it is but the way he was acting mixed with all that doesn't look good.
Well he came back a little while ago. And unfortunately there is some pretty strong evidence that he is cheating on my Mom. Me and my brothers are going to investigate further still but yeah...it really doesn't look good.
dont be investagatin... u dads a grown mayne
Obviously but this is something that I would need to know.
dude its between him n your mom.. im tellin u youre gonna regret makin it your bizness
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Look, their relationship is not great. I know that. It's not so much concern for that entire aspect. I have 4 younger siblings. Two of which are below the age of 13. I don't want them to have to go through that. I'm not concerned about myself at all or my two older brothers. They're over 18. I'm just concerned for the two little ones and my Mother. She's been loyal and she's always been there, even when she was treated like shit. She doesn't deserve that. I know it's beyond my control but I need closure on this thing. Just to kind of close this out so I don't have to keep wondering about it.
True. I just don't know what happens if this turns out the way it seems. I couldn't abandon her like that and if I'm sticking by one of them it's def my mom.
On this subject. I guess dude would be considered my father in law ( Courtney's step dad), anyway I've never liked him and see him as a piece of shit. For the most park I ignore him. It has always been believed he was cheating with a certain woman.
I was at lunch one day near work (a dumpy Indian place about 45 minutes from his house) I look up and he comes walking in with the woman we suspected he had been cheating with. I ignored him as I went to the buffet for more food. When I sat down I looked up we made eye contact for a second and I just acted like I saw right through him and went about eating. When I looked up again they were gone. They hadn't even got food yet but ordered drinks. I had got a picture of them during the short time he was there. I opened a group text among all of the siblings and sent the picture. My wife told me he must have got scared because he called his wife and said he was taking his cousin out to lunch almost immediately after he left the place and told her he had seen me and acted like I was the asshole because I "refused" to talk to him. We found this out either later that day or the next day because Courtney's mom brought up to her that he had been acting weird. Courtney told her what was going on and she said well maybe it was his cousin. But the cousin has black hair not blonde and it was definitely the woman we had suspected. Courtney sent her the photo I had taken to prove his lies.
Her ear mom was obviously upset but they are still together. Essentially her mom isn't in the best health and can't work and needs him. She told him do what you want but don't expect anything out of me and if he tried to divorce her we had evidence of cheating and another not so legal activity he didn't want to get into. He had just got a large amount from his parents passing. She said she just wants to have a place for the grand babies to come and being able to treat them a bit since she can't work.
He hasn't said a word to me. And honestly I'm glad.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
On this subject. I guess dude would be considered my father in law ( Courtney's step dad), anyway I've never liked him and see him as a piece of shit. For the most park I ignore him. It has always been believed he was cheating with a certain woman.
I was at lunch one day near work (a dumpy Indian place about 45 minutes from his house) I look up and he comes walking in with the woman we suspected he had been cheating with. I ignored him as I went to the buffet for more food. When I sat down I looked up we made eye contact for a second and I just acted like I saw right through him and went about eating. When I looked up again they were gone. They hadn't even got food yet but ordered drinks. I had got a picture of them during the short time he was there. I opened a group text among all of the siblings and sent the picture. My wife told me he must have got scared because he called his wife and said he was taking his cousin out to lunch almost immediately after he left the place and told her he had seen me and acted like I was the asshole because I "refused" to talk to him. We found this out either later that day or the next day because Courtney's mom brought up to her that he had been acting weird. Courtney told her what was going on and she said well maybe it was his cousin. But the cousin has black hair not blonde and it was definitely the woman we had suspected. Courtney sent her the photo I had taken to prove his lies.
Her ear mom was obviously upset but they are still together. Essentially her mom isn't in the best health and can't work and needs him. She told him do what you want but don't expect anything out of me and if he tried to divorce her we had evidence of cheating and another not so legal activity he didn't want to get into. He had just got a large amount from his parents passing. She said she just wants to have a place for the grand babies to come and being able to treat them a bit since she can't work.
He hasn't said a word to me. And honestly I'm glad.
Is this the same guy you used to have issues with because he smokes around your kids?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I was at lunch one day near work (a dumpy Indian place about 45 minutes from his house) I look up and he comes walking in with the woman we suspected he had been cheating with. I ignored him as I went to the buffet for more food. When I sat down I looked up we made eye contact for a second and I just acted like I saw right through him and went about eating. When I looked up again they were gone. They hadn't even got food yet but ordered drinks. I had got a picture of them during the short time he was there. I opened a group text among all of the siblings and sent the picture. My wife told me he must have got scared because he called his wife and said he was taking his cousin out to lunch almost immediately after he left the place and told her he had seen me and acted like I was the asshole because I "refused" to talk to him. We found this out either later that day or the next day because Courtney's mom brought up to her that he had been acting weird. Courtney told her what was going on and she said well maybe it was his cousin. But the cousin has black hair not blonde and it was definitely the woman we had suspected. Courtney sent her the photo I had taken to prove his lies.
Her ear mom was obviously upset but they are still together. Essentially her mom isn't in the best health and can't work and needs him. She told him do what you want but don't expect anything out of me and if he tried to divorce her we had evidence of cheating and another not so legal activity he didn't want to get into. He had just got a large amount from his parents passing. She said she just wants to have a place for the grand babies to come and being able to treat them a bit since she can't work.
He hasn't said a word to me. And honestly I'm glad.
Kirk Windstein getting emo cause he think a certain Down song is about him and that Phil is trashing him. Shit is getting good