I just can't believe the zoo came out and asked people to stop. 2016 and they have no idea how the Internet and all of bullying in the history of ever goes.
I image some intern running social media for the zoo was told he needed to get people to stop. And he's just like "I think we should probably just ride this one out. Adressing it wI'll only make it worse"
But he did as he was told. And the backlash was huge and now they don't have any social media accounts lool
Yeah what the fuck are you on about now MC? Dicks out for harambe is literally some dumb shit made by a couple of Twitter comedians, sexual jumanji and Brandon Wardell. It's ironic like literally other meme. What about that or dat boi is alt right?
Yeah what the fuck are you on about now MC? Dicks out for harambe is literally some dumb shit made by a couple of Twitter comedians, sexual jumanji and Brandon Wardell. It's ironic like literally other meme. What about that or dat boi is alt right?
The alt-right is a meme culture. It starts on 4chan (4chan is to the alt-right as Tumblr is to the regressive left at this point) and leaks onto the rest of the internet. The sense of humor is all nonsensical abstract humor, or offensive humor. I dont personally get it either, but its rooted in alt-right meme culture and humor.
The Harambe memes started on 4chan as a reaction to the Black Lives Matter folk on Twitter saying that the killing of Harambe was racist because it mirrored white people killing blacks. In return, 4chan poked fun at the idea by deifying Harambe to a godlike status.
I took it completely the opposite way. I thought the harambe thing explodee because of the fact that he is a gorilla that the whole country flipped out and lost their shit over when we have other, significantly larger issues going on. That's the tone the meme gives off to me.
There were some people on Twitter posting things like "Oh sure kill the gorilla to save a white kid. If it was a black kid, he would have been tranqed."
Then it was discovered it was a black kid. So then it changed to people comparing it to slavery.
Thats around when 4chan deified him. Then Milo roasted Leslie Jones, comparing her to a gorilla, and the alt-righters jumped on the Harambe memes and turned it into what it is today.
Alt-righters are meme obsessed. They are those kids I mentioned I went to school with who take it too seriously.
I image some intern running social media for the zoo was told he needed to get people to stop. And he's just like "I think we should probably just ride this one out. Adressing it wI'll only make it worse"
But he did as he was told. And the backlash was huge and now they don't have any social media accounts lool
The Harambe memes started on 4chan as a reaction to the Black Lives Matter folk on Twitter saying that the killing of Harambe was racist because it mirrored white people killing blacks. In return, 4chan poked fun at the idea by deifying Harambe to a godlike status.
4chan and reddit gave it second wind recently but this is a twitter meme for sure
Then it was discovered it was a black kid. So then it changed to people comparing it to slavery.
Thats around when 4chan deified him. Then Milo roasted Leslie Jones, comparing her to a gorilla, and the alt-righters jumped on the Harambe memes and turned it into what it is today.
Alt-righters are meme obsessed. They are those kids I mentioned I went to school with who take it too seriously.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)