but you told India the truth. Who told me. Which I then told the board and said I had "a good source" as if everybody wouldn't fucking figure it out. That went well.
>post status about needing numbers and to text me >devin likes status >no text >tags devin and says text me >Devin likes >still no text two days later >kill yourself
If you actually want something that'll make buying vinyl worth the money cuz it gives you a good audio experience, I'd shell out no more than like $200 for record player that you can hook up to speakers. If you just want it to justify buying records because you like having things, go for the cheap one, fuck it.
but you told India the truth. Who told me. Which I then told the board and said I had "a good source" as if everybody wouldn't fucking figure it out. That went well.
Also might have a job roadie-ing/teching for a band called 7Horse on tuesday. Pays too
>devin likes status
>no text
>tags devin and says text me
>Devin likes
>still no text two days later
>kill yourself
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
what the fuck even is that?
It's 100 bucks, idk good brands or anything but should I be getting a decent one for that price?