I'm cruising home in a construction zone and i spot this trooper while I'm doing 70 so I cut the cruise control and let my car decelerate while I hold my breath. Good to go and immediately afterwards the faggot behind me tries to swing out behind me as I'm picking back up speed. So I speed up over 70 to put him in check. Turns out he was also a state trooper.
I'm a pretty mellow driver. Of course everybody thinks they're great but I don't drive crazy at all. Cruise control always set at 5 over and I'm not a lane hopper. Plus I have the presence of mind to know what semis are doing and don't try to weave in and out when I know the one in front of me is trying to get over.
However if it's midnight and we're the only 2 cars around in this tight zone, don't pull up on my ass and then try to swing around me when I probably also saved your ass from getting a ticket because your dumbass wasn't paying attention.
That being said, this dumbass wouldn't have got a ticket. He was still driving shitty for a trooper
I don't doubt it, but the problem is thinking you can teach an idiot a lesson or "put them in check" while driving. You gotta let that shit go. This time it was a cop, the next time it could be some assholes that's willing to take it to a level you don't want it to escalate to.
People get crazy in their cars. I read or heard somewhere that Humans aren't meant to travel that fast and our brains were not designed to process everything that your brain goes through while driving at those speeds and the basic instinctive "lizard brain" takes over, becoming more of a reactionary process than a rational thought process. People are dangerous in that state. Hours and hours of road rage footage on YouTube seems to support the evidence. In some of them you can even see when their brain makes that shift back into rational though again. They suddenly get a "wait, wtf am I doing" look on their faces and their whole demeanor changes back to normal.
I think we're taking the phrase "keep him in check" too seriously. I said it because it sounded funny and might produce the LOL I needed to live another day. I didn't expect to emerge victorious. He was still going to pass me, I didn't expect him to see the error in his ways and slow down and get back behind me.
I watched him take it all to the face and the acid connect is good so it's not anything mediocre. This dude also just moved into this house a week ago so it'll be interesting.
We just found a record collection in the garage. Not a ton but they had Frampton Comes Alive. Shit was kept horizontal with other shit stacked on them though
That's a bad mentality to have when driving.
However if it's midnight and we're the only 2 cars around in this tight zone, don't pull up on my ass and then try to swing around me when I probably also saved your ass from getting a ticket because your dumbass wasn't paying attention.
That being said, this dumbass wouldn't have got a ticket. He was still driving shitty for a trooper
People get crazy in their cars. I read or heard somewhere that Humans aren't meant to travel that fast and our brains were not designed to process everything that your brain goes through while driving at those speeds and the basic instinctive "lizard brain" takes over, becoming more of a reactionary process than a rational thought process. People are dangerous in that state. Hours and hours of road rage footage on YouTube seems to support the evidence. In some of them you can even see when their brain makes that shift back into rational though again. They suddenly get a "wait, wtf am I doing" look on their faces and their whole demeanor changes back to normal.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
We just found a record collection in the garage. Not a ton but they had Frampton Comes Alive. Shit was kept horizontal with other shit stacked on them though