Applyin it to myself tho, the baddest chick I ever fucked was also the biggest headache, the craziest, and had the biggest ego to the point that it wasn't even worth it as good as the sex was. Further provin my point.
Dude I think you are the one that has misconstrued ideas about relationships. Believe it or not, emotions are a pretty big factor. It's not just "well 10/10's can only date 10/10's and 7s gotta be with 7s"
How you possibly came to the conclusion that hot chicks can't be in relationships because your dude friend is hot but his girlfriend isn't as hot is beyond me. That's like some ICP "how to magnets work" type of shit.
Dude I think you are the one that has misconstrued ideas about relationships. Believe it or not, emotions are a pretty big factor. It's not just "well 10/10's can only date 10/10's and 7s gotta be with 7s"
I wasn't sayin that. At all. I've seen average ass dudes pull a 10. Date em even. But they never last. My main point is pretty much none of these "bad bitches" are relationship material at all. And it goes for dudes too. I constantly see bitches cryin about Mr. Ain't Shit and "All men are dogs" but who made them say that? A pretty ass dude who can and did fuck any bitch he wants. I guess my main point is the extreme availability of options, and the simplicity of them, presented to an extremely attractive individual of either sex, makes monogamy almost impossible to them. And as I said their attractiveness usually makes their character suffer hard and so they aren't relationship material in 99.9% of cases.
How you possibly came to the conclusion that hot chicks can't be in relationships because your dude friend is hot but his girlfriend isn't as hot is beyond me. That's like some ICP "how to magnets work" type of shit.
But it's not jus him. I've seen it time and time again. These dudes fuckin the baddest chicks available, but then when they finally settle down, who is it wit? Plain Jane.
I can see where you're coming from kinda with the "the hotter you are the more shallow you're allowed to be" thing. But in general, do you think that it could just be the kind of people you associate with are all kinda superficial?
I can see where you're coming from kinda with the "the hotter you are the more shallow you're allowed to be" thing. But in general, do you think that it could just be the kind of people you associate with are all kinda superficial?
Not really. I see this happen literally all the damn time wit every exceptionally bad female I know or even know OF. Considering they love airin shit out on FB so you get a front row seat. Takin it even further, seein an actual successful relationship among my age group that's been goin for a while is extremely rare, but I think and all the ones I do know of off hand, the girl is a plain Jane. I don't know a SINGLE really bad female that's been in a committed relationship for a long time. Jus the usual 2 month fling then on to the next.
What's funny too is if you were to take every female I've fucked, and put em on a list based on attractiveness, the ones at the bottom were the least crazy and most stable. The top 3 I'd be absolutely unable to date although they were the best sex.
The thing too is I almost blame the dudes more than the girls themselves. Obviously it's on the females for takin it to the head, but you got these simps on social media kissin the ground these bitches walk on simply due to their looks, which gets them livin wit a God complex feelin like their shit don't stink.
Kinda right kinda wrong. There is legitimately good loyal girls out there, jus sad they're in the minority. It's a sad generation really.
I think it's also a matter of, due to my music gettin more and more recognition, girls are swingin my way more than ever. Not even a humble flex jus the way it is. And you start seein it's the same old song and dance no matter how fine they are. Everyone wants the girls that come wit makin music til it exposes you to their true ways on a bigger scale. Bad bitches are a dime a dozen and I guess I'm growin up and gettin to that point where I'm lookin for more substance and it's sorely lacking. My acid use has influenced these thoughts as well lmao.
Those girls are only loyal because they like the security of a relationship. If they could fuck around, and know there would be a dude drooling over them tomorrow after they fucked the current dude over today, they'd do it.
I think it's also a matter of, due to my music gettin more and more recognition, girls are swingin my way more than ever. Not even a humble flex jus the way it is. And you start seein it's the same old song and dance no matter how fine they are. Everyone wants the girls that come wit makin music til it exposes you to their true ways on a bigger scale. Bad bitches are a dime a dozen and I guess I'm growin up and gettin to that point where I'm lookin for more substance and it's sorely lacking. My acid use has influenced these thoughts as well lmao.
my biggest turn off from women my age...