Friend is a pussy. His birthday was a couple days ago and we're going to psychostick tomorrow with the goal of getting him plastered. Told him if he could down five straight shots of whiskey in an hour I'd buy his ticket. "Uh I'll think about it" That's about 12 minutes between shots. Puss
You know how when the need to piss is 11/10 and when you make eye contact with the toilet, your bladder let's go? Well tonight is the most embarrassing night since I hit drinking age to say the least
That's cute.
in five years of being a rapper there has been one karaoke show and one mix tape released?
That's about 12 minutes between shots. Puss
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I'm just saying I'd you were paying for one or the other, I'd probably be better for the money
this was jäger :-&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Xtrillion
Should go. Prolly won't
oh buddy