By extension you say that things in life have meaning (like when love is discussed). How can that have meaning when our overall existence is meaningless? (note I still think love is meaningless. parts of a whole can have no meaning, yet the whole can still contain meaning. not the otherway around).
If life itself has no meaning, then nothing in it has meaning either. We're just drifting from one pointless task to another. And you're ok with that?
look, what I believe, is that all life on earth is a product of random chance. There's no greater meaning to why we are here. we just are. If I were to give any sort of meaning to life, it'd be to reproduce to keep it going, which is a very biological way to look at it. As far as things like love go, it's what people desire, which gives it meaning/purpose to them. But it's subjective meaning. Not this objective thing you're trying to put on it.
It's not like people are saying to live life with no purpose. but life in and of itself has no meaning.
Sthen there is no point in living
then kill yourself
I think there is an overall meaning and purpose to life.
Which is?
Im still trying to figure that out. But I cant think we'd be here without there being a meaning. Because like I said, then life is pointless.
If you dont know then that means there is no meaning. You cant just say you think there might be a meaning without a slight clue as to what it might be
It's not like people are saying to live life with no purpose. but life in and of itself has no meaning.
Sthen there is no point in living
then kill yourself
I think there is an overall meaning and purpose to life.
Which is?
Im still trying to figure that out. But I cant think we'd be here without there being a meaning. Because like I said, then life is pointless.
If you dont know then that means there is no meaning. You cant just say you think there might be a meaning without a slight clue as to what it might be
Do you know how you are going to die? No. But you know that someday you will die. Objectively.
Similarly I may not yet know what the meaning of life is. But I believe there is a meaning, and that I may one day discover what it is.
I do believe in an objective truth. I may not know what that truth is, but it is the only way to explain what makes us human. There is something intrinsically instilled in the vast majority of us that defines what humans are (IE: The desire to belong, that murder is wrong, that helping people is good, the desire to build community, etc). If there wasn't objectivity every single one of us would have an entirely different moral code. There would be no laws. No ethics. No society.
If life itself has no meaning, then nothing in it has meaning either. We're just drifting from one pointless task to another. And you're ok with that?
Similarly I may not yet know what the meaning of life is. But I believe there is a meaning, and that I may one day discover what it is.
I do believe in an objective truth. I may not know what that truth is, but it is the only way to explain what makes us human. There is something intrinsically instilled in the vast majority of us that defines what humans are (IE: The desire to belong, that murder is wrong, that helping people is good, the desire to build community, etc). If there wasn't objectivity every single one of us would have an entirely different moral code. There would be no laws. No ethics. No society.
Meaning to who?
lol at populate being the meaning of life nigga our planet is over populated lmao