Well, I don't believe you absolutely NEED drugs to appreciate music. But like when I'm super high and I'm listening to The Cure or Pink Floyd its one of the best things ever.
Weed always makes music better.. You don't need it but it's just better. You can hold a deeper appreciation, find meaning to things you didn't notice before, and it help you focus more strictly on the music and not get distracted by other bullshit
I mostly agree, but I also think it depends on what you're listening to. Like when someone plays Pink Floyd or something its magical. When someone plays Slayer, its like the same as listening to Slayer not high lol
Yeah I remember one time it was me and my buddies and a few other people So there was maybe fifteen of us. We had the radio on and it was the loop and we were all drinking. War Pigs comes on and everyone just starts jamming and singing along loud as shit. It was awesome ) cops showed up at like 1am saying people were complaining about screaming and shit coming from the garage
You dont need drugs to make or appreciate music.