Kid Rock was my first show so take it for what it is. Saw him a couple times after that, he's a showman. Not sure how I'd feel now but I probably wouldn't hate it. Unless he plays mostly country shit and goddamn do I hate Born Free.
"Everything that's wrong with music" seems a bit harsh lol. Its not like he is lip syncing autotuned pop songs while dancing on stage to pre recorded music tracks.
Now hes even throwing In a little pop country while desecrating warren zevon songs's pretty bad dude.. Id say at least nickelback worthy at this point
2- Friends/Family want to go
3- He seems like a good dude?
And Skynyrd.
Kid rock is everything wrong with music...he does seem like an ok guy tho.. I'll still pass
It's just butt rock rehashing butt rock.;-shows-canceled
its like the most mixed of a bag you can make