upstairs neighbors have a very intense subwoofer with their sound system. it's kinda annoying. especially when they play shitty music. tonight will be fun
this girl I liked in high school just got diagnosed today with stage 4 cancer and has a month to live. wow.
I had a friend who was kinda like that. When she was diagnosed she was told she had 9 months to live. She did all this experimental stuff and was able to prolong her life for 5 years. She was literally one of the happiest people I've ever met. Such a kind person, even when she was going through such a horrible experience. I think the saddest part is not her dying, but that she had two daughters who were 9 and 13. Just so sad that these girls had to lose their mom like that.
Oh and fuck our medical system. In the last month of her life the hospital stopped all treatment on her because she wasnt going to live. They gave her pain meds and such, but she ended up starving to death cause she wasn't able to eat. What I dont get is when someone gets to the point where they can't even eat for themselves, why can't we just euthanize them? Just seems so fucked up that we feel the moral way to let this person die is in the most horrible way possible.
Yeah if it wasn't for our medical system we would have much better alternatives than we have now. We are pretty much curing cancer by reengineering the measles and aids though.
Yeah if it wasn't for our medical system we would have much better alternatives than we have now. We are pretty much curing cancer by reengineering the measles and aids though.
From what I understand from my friend... there are 4 proven effective ways of fighting cancer and a couple promising bio-engineering methods in their infancy. anyways, our fed gov has only legalized/approved one of the big 4 methods for curing cancer, and any doctor using the other 3 methods would lose his license. That's why people who really want to get cured go outside of the country... Mostly they go to Germany which is leading the world in cancer treatment.
If you ever get cancer, ask the doctor "Completely off the record.... Im not looking for your government approved medical opinion. If I was your child, where would you have me go for the best treatment". The answer will be a German clinic. My friend went there three times.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I had an even more awkward conversation when I was your age... I was in a bookstore and this really hot girl comes up to me and started this conversation
"Excuse me" "Yeah?" "I know this might sound weird but are you from Spokane?" "Yes...?" "Did you go to Spokane Falls Community college? "Yeah...?" "I thought so." "Do I know you?" "No... It's just I use to see you all the time on campus there... and then I transferred over to UW and now I see you all the time on campus here! Isnt that weird"
and I said...... *drum roll"
"Yeah that's weird" and walked away I was literally thinking about how statistically impossible what she just said was. How with a city size of Seattle being close to 1 Million, and how the school population being 40,000... that statistically speaking if we both just happened to randomly change schools at the same time, that the sheer number of students and the size of the campus would make her seeing me all the time on both campus practically impossible.
I was about a block away when it hit me that this hot girl was just hitting on me... or that I should be trying to get her number. I ran back to try and find her when I came to me senses but I never saw her again. She was super hot too.
I have a knack for just fucking weirdos to come up and start convos with me.. All my friends notice it too it's do annoying .. Like if I'm at a sporting event the dude next to me will guaranteed be a fucking weirdo who talks to me the whole game.. And I fucking hate useless public convos more than anything else in the world .. If the million times people decide to come over and start a chat with me not once was it a cute girl.. So lame lol
I think most of us have a story like Wake's. It happens. When I was a sophomore in high school I transferred schools and my 3rd class at the new school I sat next to this smoking hot filipina chick. Went like this:
Her: So you're new here right? Me: Yeah. Her: Me too. Eating lunch next period is gonna be soooo awkward. I dont know anyone. me: either. I know your pain. her: It sucks! I wish i knew someone here so i didnt have to sit by myself. me: you seem like a cool chick, i'm sure you'll make friends *bell rings, i get up and leave*
Fucking love Ponf
Oh and fuck our medical system. In the last month of her life the hospital stopped all treatment on her because she wasnt going to live. They gave her pain meds and such, but she ended up starving to death cause she wasn't able to eat. What I dont get is when someone gets to the point where they can't even eat for themselves, why can't we just euthanize them? Just seems so fucked up that we feel the moral way to let this person die is in the most horrible way possible.
it wasn't for our medical system we would have much better alternatives than we have now. We are pretty much curing cancer by reengineering the measles and aids though.
If you ever get cancer, ask the doctor "Completely off the record.... Im not looking for your government approved medical opinion. If I was your child, where would you have me go for the best treatment". The answer will be a German clinic. My friend went there three times.
Antineoplastons have been in clinical trials for a while now, but it doesn't seem to be getting anywhere even though its very effective.
Girl: i like your shirt
me: oh uh thanks
girl: what is it?
Me: its Kirby
girl: oh cool
me: uh yea... bye...
Walked away
Had a similar conversation yesterday too :-?
"Excuse me"
"I know this might sound weird but are you from Spokane?"
"Did you go to Spokane Falls Community college?
"I thought so."
"Do I know you?"
"No... It's just I use to see you all the time on campus there... and then I transferred over to UW and now I see you all the time on campus here! Isnt that weird"
and I said...... *drum roll"
"Yeah that's weird" and walked away
I was about a block away when it hit me that this hot girl was just hitting on me... or that I should be trying to get her number. I ran back to try and find her when I came to me senses but I never saw her again. She was super hot too.
Her: So you're new here right?
Me: Yeah.
Her: Me too. Eating lunch next period is gonna be soooo awkward. I dont know anyone.
me: either. I know your pain.
her: It sucks! I wish i knew someone here so i didnt have to sit by myself.
me: you seem like a cool chick, i'm sure you'll make friends
*bell rings, i get up and leave*
wanna kill myself for that