Can I get a legitimate answer on this shit? Why do males feel the need to call random women beautiful, gorgeous etc.? Aka why do these fucks calls me pretty when I'm not even the cashier waiting on them? I don't need or appreciate comments on my looks when I'm trying to do my shitty job. SHIT.
(Inb4 theyre compliments. Don't want it, don't need it thx)
They like you. They're hoping to get some where. Alot of men have this overwhelming lust for hitting on anybody which, in their eyes, is pure confidence and many don't realize they come off sounding like a fuckin creep. I mean this has never happened to me (then again I am a hideous motherfucker) but I get it because quite a few of my friends who are chicks have complained about the same thing. Don't sweat it. It sucks because its one of those things thats not really going to stop because idiots these days don't realize how disgusting they sound. Just buy a stash of good porno mags and anytime someone hits on you, tell em off and hand them one......on second thought, that may attract more unwanted and way more creepier reaction. Just tell em to fuck off lol
@kill_monicaa, cause alot of older posts were made by a previous member whos not in the band anymore, 1st off the dude was a fuckin asshole & drunk nd stole money, 2nd off tht shit was not an album more than 5 shit quality songs recorded to a cheap ass multitrack recorder, as i said, the guy was a dickhead. that band has been on semi-hiatus since summer 2012 - too much shit in our own bands to get that band going full time. only played 1 show since then at the elite armageddon fest in spi. dont talk shit u dont kno abt fuckface.
@dab, bring it pussy ill be at mayhem if foxy shazam is not good enough for ur bitch ass.
@MC, so? Hollywood bullfrogs has no music online. only p whove heard besides us are the live crowds nd some friends & stuff. Underground Security are more known we have t shirts available tht have sold. + didnt u say ur band is based in chicago? chicago is a bigger market than central il & limited stl dates.
Just did a massive purge of the Spam queue and the posts that weren't permanently deleted went back into the threads....but to the end of the thread instead of where they originally were. My bad.
"Puddle of Mudd‘s Wes Scantlin added to his arrest record Friday before a show in Denver. This time the rocker was arrested for taking a bit of a joy ride on the airport baggage carousel, ending up in the restricted area before being taken into custody by local police."
Just did a massive purge of the Spam queue and the posts that weren't permanently deleted went back into the threads....but to the end of the thread instead of where they originally were. My bad.
I thought the posts would just go back to their original place. That's what they did before. Didn't think they'd come back all out of order and shit. :-??
@kill_monicaa, cause alot of older posts were made by a previous member whos not in the band anymore, 1st off the dude was a fuckin asshole & drunk nd stole money, 2nd off tht shit was not an album more than 5 shit quality songs recorded to a cheap ass multitrack recorder, as i said, the guy was a dickhead. that band has been on semi-hiatus since summer 2012 - too much shit in our own bands to get that band going full time. only played 1 show since then at the elite armageddon fest in spi. dont talk shit u dont kno abt fuckface.
@dab, bring it pussy ill be at mayhem if foxy shazam is not good enough for ur bitch ass.
@MC, so? Hollywood bullfrogs has no music online. only p whove heard besides us are the live crowds nd some friends & stuff. Underground Security are more known we have t shirts available tht have sold. + didnt u say ur band is based in chicago? chicago is a bigger market than central il & limited stl dates.
Just did a massive purge of the Spam queue and the posts that weren't permanently deleted went back into the threads....but to the end of the thread instead of where they originally were. My bad.
The thread is being flooded by the last 3 people I give a shit about on this board. Fucking wonderful.