Niggas a white bread Uncle Tom muthafucka Rollin in some white resort college that he's prolly going to for free and only worries about himself and bangs white bitches who only bang black dudes to get back at their daddies.. The struglyfe
Lets face it, nothing was going to justify this kids death. He was only 18 years old. That being said responding with more hate and violence is not the right answer. People really should hug their kids more. Spread love, not hate people.
There are riots from New York to California. The UK is rioting. Mexico is rioting. The fucking gooks in China, Korea, and Thailand are rioting. The middle east is rioting. The entire world has had enough of oppression. WE are the generation who is rising up and taking a stand. No longer will we sit here passive while you stand with your foot on our throats. If we burn, you burn with us. Welcome to the dawning of a new age.
"im so sick of this being a race thing, its a character thing. Act like a gangster, get shot like a gangster"
seriously doe why the flag on my post?
oh yeah DBCT
Why do so many people compliment me on my orange hair? It's not even cute, stop *cry/laugh emoji*