It's speculation. He made a question in the 10 questions thread that was like "what do you consider cheating? Do you have to fuck or is a blowjob cheating too?" Or some shit. Idc he hasn't talked about her in forever so as far as we know she finally wised up and left his faggot ass.
First world problems when you're complaining about being complimented.
anyway I think the issue you have is more with your job and less with the people as you have said you wouldn't care as much outside of work. Maybe try a new job if ou can find one?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Look creepy old guys are fuckin annoying to girls, idk why they still try and hit in girls.. They're fucking losers.. But simply calling someone sweetheart is not demeaning or disrespectful..dealwithit.. I mean what are they supposed to respect, your high hardware knowledge instead? C'mon now girls need to stop saying they don't like compliments cuz it's horseshit.. They don't like them from creepy old dudes or ugly people lol and I don't really blame them but it is what it is.. I'm sure for every old guy saying something weird a girl gets something additional in life for being pretty like free drinks so it all evens out in the end
Look creepy old guys are fuckin annoying to girls, idk why they still try and hit in girls..
probably because they watch a lot of porno's that tell them otherwise. I mean how often have you seen porno's where some creepy old guy is like "Hi sweetheart, do you have any tips for this wood?" And then she just grabs his pants and starts going to town. I've probably seen at least 10 videos like that.... and that's just counting this morning
anyway I think the issue you have is more with your job and less with the people as you have said you wouldn't care as much outside of work. Maybe try a new job if ou can find one?
girls need to stop saying they don't like compliments cuz it's horseshit.. They don't like them from creepy old dudes or ugly people lol and I don't really blame them but it is what it is.. I'm sure for every old guy saying something weird a girl gets something additional in life for being pretty like free drinks so it all evens out in the end
And damn Rex, shots fired.