Yeah I usually don't hito n chicks who are working, unless they get flirty first. Working sucks no reason to fuck with anyone, I don't know how your day is going.
I just dont think its something to get worked up over. You will never see this person again. Who cares? Is it a dickish thing to do? yea. But so what? I'll never understand it.
words are words. even if they say "sweetheart" move on. Who cares?
Because maybe it's pretty demeaning and get's old after the 50th old dude says it to you in a day?
Jesus MC what is your problem. Distance comes in to rant about how she gets creeped out by weird dudes, and all you have to say is "girls must hate compliments that's why I don't try and will die alone boo-hoo". How old are you anyway, like 22? Quit with the woe is me BS, you're still young.
words are words. even if they say "sweetheart" move on. Who cares?
Because maybe it's pretty demeaning and get's old after the 50th old dude says it to you in a day?
Jesus MC what is your problem. Distance comes in to rant about how she gets creeped out by weird dudes, and all you have to say is "girls must hate compliments that's why I don't try and will die alone boo-hoo". How old are you anyway, like 22? Quit with the woe is me BS, you're still young.
Should have called your appearance. Seems like you only come on here to bitch at me these days. Its not "woe is me". This kind of thing pisses me off. She acts like these people are calling her a fat and ugly dog fucking cunt. They didn't. They're complimenting her appearance. Albeit in a douchbag way, but still. So once again, I don't compliment anymore. Why is that so bad? Bitch when they are complimented, bitch when they dont. Kill yourself.
I see the same assholes everyday so you're wrong, sorry. When someone whittles down your worth down to your looks, you'll understand. You gotta go outside first.
Like the fucking "walking in the street" videos piss me the fuck off too. They're obviously staged and/or showcase the scumiest of the scumbags for their videos to make it look worse than it is.
Must suck being so desirable There are people who go their whole lives without recieving compliments on their appearance, would you prefer that?
words are words. even if they say "sweetheart" move on. Who cares?
Because maybe it's pretty demeaning and get's old after the 50th old dude says it to you in a day?
Jesus MC what is your problem. Distance comes in to rant about how she gets creeped out by weird dudes, and all you have to say is "girls must hate compliments that's why I don't try and will die alone boo-hoo". How old are you anyway, like 22? Quit with the woe is me BS, you're still young.
Should have called your appearance. Seems like you only come on here to bitch at me these days. Its not "woe is me". This kind of thing pisses me off. She acts like these people are calling her a fat and ugly dog fucking cunt. They didn't. They're complimenting her appearance. Albeit in a douchbag way, but still. So once again, I don't compliment anymore. Why is that so bad? Bitch when they are complimented, bitch when they dont.
Ok, I'm not gonna lie, it's honestly kinda upsetting to see you go down this road right now. You used to be pretty cool, but this attitude is just so damn unhealthy for both yourself and others. You're not willing for one second to step outside of your own shoes and try to relate with anyone who has different experiences than yourself. God forbid a girl get creeped out by weird people trying to hit on her while she's working, naw, she's just bitching and complaining like all of them do. I just don't get how someone who's educated like yourself can be so damn dense.
Plus, I don't know where you're getting this whole "can't compliment girls nowadays" bullshit. I compliment female friends of mine all the time, you just have to know someone well enough and know what to say. And if they bitch at you for being sincere then shit, move on. You're making things so much more complicated than they are.
Like the fucking "walking in the street" videos piss me the fuck off too. They're obviously staged and/or showcase the scumiest of the scumbags for their videos to make it look worse than it is.
Like the fucking "walking in the street" videos piss me the fuck off too. They're obviously staged and/or showcase the scumiest of the scumbags for their videos to make it look worse than it is.
I think those videos are accurate as fuck. Grow some tits and a vagina and get back to me after you walk around alone.
Wonder if we'll get a response to this...
I dont know what to say other than I dont believe you. :-?? My female friends who talk about the creeps they experience usually happens like one dude a day, and they say they should have dressed more conservatively.
Again, must suck being so desirable. Get fat and hot clue some frosted flakes to your face.
Jesus MC what is your problem. Distance comes in to rant about how she gets creeped out by weird dudes, and all you have to say is "girls must hate compliments that's why I don't try and will die alone boo-hoo". How old are you anyway, like 22? Quit with the woe is me BS, you're still young.
I do go outside.
Must suck being so desirable
There are people who go their whole lives without recieving compliments on their appearance, would you prefer that?
wheres Aaron from Michigan :-W
Would you really rather have Aaron from Michigan?
Ok, I'm not gonna lie, it's honestly kinda upsetting to see you go down this road right now. You used to be pretty cool, but this attitude is just so damn unhealthy for both yourself and others. You're not willing for one second to step outside of your own shoes and try to relate with anyone who has different experiences than yourself. God forbid a girl get creeped out by weird people trying to hit on her while she's working, naw, she's just bitching and complaining like all of them do. I just don't get how someone who's educated like yourself can be so damn dense.
Plus, I don't know where you're getting this whole "can't compliment girls nowadays" bullshit. I compliment female friends of mine all the time, you just have to know someone well enough and know what to say. And if they bitch at you for being sincere then shit, move on. You're making things so much more complicated than they are.
Wonder if we'll get a response to this...
Again, must suck being so desirable. Get fat and hot clue some frosted flakes to your face.