Like i was saying, realistically every sale is a lose in profit for every company, but people shop on impulse. If two people come in and order 40 nuggets, what are they going to drink? A lot of times they will each get a pop at 2 bucks a pop. THats a 3 dollar visit turning into 5 bucks without the bat of an eye, and BK are paying maybe 10 cents for that pop. Thats without anything else, BK gets a lot of fatties that enjoy their ice cream ect. Its all about getting people in the door, once they are in the majority of them will not just buy nuggets.
Yeah I understand that concept in general, I just think BK hasn't really thought this whole thing through. buck fifty nuggets seems so low that probably 99% of stoners wont buy anything else. Their thirsty? They will get all macGyver and fashion a cup out of ketsup packets and paper towels, and get their water from the mud puddle outside. you say gross, but their high ass will think it's the greatest invention known to man. Well until the next day when they come down and think "Jesus christ. Did I drink from a mud puddle last night? wtf is wrong with me when im high?"
who comes down the next day i gotta smoke like every 45 min to keep my stone going.
I was talking to my mom last week (before I told her off) she was telling me about how much weed is in the stores (she lives in WA). Anyways I don't know if she's just insane or holy shit prices are expensive. When I use to smoke I'd get an eighth for 15-20 dollars depending on the dealer. Smoking an Eighth in a night usually kept me good until I went to bed.
She just went in to see how much prices were and to try it out what they were selling once. She said it was some of the better stuff she's ever had. Normally she gets her weed from her friend. Her friend has a medical card and so she can grow for her own personal use and can give away a small percentage to others. She just gives my mom weed regularly for free because they are friends.
We went to the library during my COM 101 class today to work on our essays. My Teacher goes "So Moe, working hard back there?" because I was the only one not really doing anything. Everyone was furiously typing and asking questions and shit, I was just kinda chilling listening to my head phones. I go "Yeah, you could say that," as I was logging onto here. Really happy she didn't come back and check on me. I wouldn't have known the answer to "So what's Metal Uprising?" lol
dont gotta leave to get it, don't gotta cook it, don't gotta refrigerate it and if you don't have a spoon, you still have a finger \m/
Fuck you. Dem $5 boxes are awesome.
I don't think he would be too happy about that.
nola has been running wild in chubby vajayjay of late
anyway the movie was pretty dull but it had this actress on it who is quite cute called Addison Timlin
So then I googled her to see what other movies she had been in and she did a topless sex scene in Californication
And then I ended up finding a website with all these short video clips of sex scenes from Californication....
TLDR: Google is my friend and I struck gold...enjoy