How is that? If he doesn't have sex he can't rank women?
it doesn't have to do with celibacy it has to do with his warped view of sexuality. attractiveness is mainly based on sexual attraction. it's not rocket science
Salena Gomez, Vennesa Hugens, Emma Stone... the list goes on and on
it makes absolutely no sense that you would denounce sex on a regular basis and then act like you have a functional enough sex drive to properly judge the attractiveness of women
) got damn it's been like 2 or 3 years since I went on those rants
Pretty sure razor is dope throne or w/e on snap chat. It's either her or Devin. Anyways who ever it was just snapped me a pick of some weight loss supplement with a link to where they got it for free or something...I would just like to say that which ever one it is they can kill them fucking selves.
Fuck my cousin turned 21 in July. Well basically she's been drinking everyday for about 2 years. Well she had some medical thing aka "abortion" and couldn't drink for a week. Well, we went, I drove her car back from the bar cause she was way more ducked up than me. Before we ever got to any bar she told me she hasn't had an urge to drink, but that we were going for "one beer" ). Well when we got back to my house I told her she had to do a shot. She then puked in my driveway and ate an entire little Caesars bread stick and spilled it all I over my couch, then stood up, and was like "I'm outta here man, love us" and straight left.
She was trying to pick up these two chick with me at the bar. She came out of the bathroom and says to me "I'll take the fat one" my first reaction was then I snapped out of it and was like \m/
then this fat slut starts talking about wanting to be a worm in the after life so happens my cousin's one Weakness was worms the mention of them makes her sick.
Fucking hippies
I'm like... uhh...
then this fat slut starts talking about wanting to be a worm in the after life
ky worms