Fuck my friend is such a faggot. Nigga makes more money then I do, doesn't pay any bills, and never wants to do shit cause he doesn't wanna spend any money. Last Saturday he crashed on my couch so I asked if he wanted to get breakfast, he said he was starving but that he was gonna wait till after the game to go to his moms and eat then I ask nigga if he wants to drink beer today and he says " idk I have to see how many beers I have left at your house" Niggs kill you self buy more to party of you do t have enough. Nigga is a faggot.
People are dumb. Tbdm gives fans the chance to pick old songs to play. Fans pick all songs they typically play and have played. Sieze the opportunity you retards, fuck.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
People are dumb. Tbdm gives fans the chance to pick old songs to play. Fans pick all songs they typically play and have played. Sieze the opportunity you retards, fuck.
Yeah their set looks almost exactly the same just in a different order. They didn't come anywhere close this time around so I didn't vote. I always wanted to see A Selection Unnatural.
People are dumb. Tbdm gives fans the chance to pick old songs to play. Fans pick all songs they typically play and have played. Sieze the opportunity you retards, fuck. SS
Like Slap said, same shit when Metallica did their request set. Like, these idiots could have chosen like Frayed Ends or Phantom Lord or some cool shit, but instead it went all typical. Because I'm sure Metallica have never played One or Enter Sandman live before idiots
it will still be there Monday