Did you read the actual article? Irony up the ass. Lars talks about how cool it is U2 is offering their shit digitally and how music through programs and shit has expanded and how cool it is and blah blah blah.
No, i didn't read it. It just popped up on my feed for some reason. Everything about it stinks of irony. And A7X page sharing a quote from Lars about Metallica not selling out? If those three things don't reek of sellout, idk what does.
there are fewer people I hate more than lars. I hate lars so much that it doesnt even impact my opinion on metallica. metallica is alright. I just fucking hate lars.
hes fucking like gene simmons. hes someone who, even though he has unfathomably more than enough to let his grandkids retire at 25, still thinks we're assholes for not providing enough for his talent. fucking slit your throat.
Did you read the actual article? Irony up the ass. Lars talks about how cool it is U2 is offering their shit digitally and how music through programs and shit has expanded and how cool it is and blah blah blah.
Jesus as long as he doesn't have a profit to be made. Dude should die.
I read an article that Lars doesn't let his kids play videogames. Except he let them play Guitar Hero Metallica when that came out. And got mad, and wouldn't let them play anymore after he lost to them,
I like Kirk. He is a respectable guy. 0 about Rob being in Metallica. But James and Lars prevent Metallica from being on my top top. Dat ego. Especially Lars. Fucker has an ego bigger than Ozzy's, Dickinson's, and Kerry King's put together.
I read an article that Lars doesn't let his kids play videogames. Except he let them play Guitar Hero Metallica when that came out. And got mad, and wouldn't let them play anymore after he lost to them,