went to the casino today to apply for some jobs. first time there so they gave me five bucks. won like 10 bucks on the penny slots and then pissed it away.Joe_MacMilan said:
Fuck women. They can smell relationship on you. New chick with big ol titties kept smiling and being all giggly at me today and told my coworkers she likes me. Where were these bitches when i was single.
I've had similar experiences, probably in part because I'm more honest with myself and realize when a girl is flirting with me now that there's no pressure to find someone. Wish I could have had this kind of confidence in fucking high school, shit.
wow my mom just fucked with my mind. Most of my ride or dies were square from back then and like 3 of my closest friends flipped shit when they found out I smoked. Well the biggest square who is becoming a preacher who still isn't totally fine with me. Been forever since we talked.Well my mom just told me his mom smoked pot. Mind fucking blown dudes.
Most people want monster riffs with mastodon and the album simply doesn't have them lol if you can forget that part then it's a real good album to space out with plus IMO it has the best lyrics of any mastodon album but that's not you guises bags
This chick posts Instagram pics of her ass everyday and then the next day cries she can't find any decent guys... Do girls have brains? Nice ass doe would def hit
went to the casino today to apply for some jobs. first time there so they gave me five bucks. won like 10 bucks on the penny slots and then pissed it away.Joe_MacMilan said:
Fuck women. They can smell relationship on you. New chick with big ol titties kept smiling and being all giggly at me today and told my coworkers she likes me. Where were these bitches when i was single.
poured some beer into a glass that i had some grape drink in. fuck it taste weird.
wow my mom just fucked with my mind. Most of my ride or dies were square from back then and like 3 of my closest friends flipped shit when they found out I smoked. Well the biggest square who is becoming a preacher who still isn't totally fine with me. Been forever since we talked.Well my mom just told me his mom smoked pot. Mind fucking blown dudes.
1) you're late
2) you're wrong
3) kill yourself
Album is meh
Yea, I liked first listen, but later listens its meh. Im not sure if I like it more or less than The Hunter at this point.
hunter murders it not even close
hunter by a couple miles
hunter is a weed album doe so I get why you don't like it
Most people want monster riffs with mastodon and the album simply doesn't have them lol if you can forget that part then it's a real good album to space out with plus IMO it has the best lyrics of any mastodon album but that's not you guises bags
This chick posts Instagram pics of her ass everyday and then the next day cries she can't find any decent guys... Do girls have brains? Nice ass doe would def hit