Killswitch Engage is playing a Halloween show at the Palladium in MA which I really would like to attend. However, November 1st i'm going to RI Comic Con and the 2nd i'm going to a Patriots game.
I'll be at the Halloween KSE show.
My friends said the RI Comic Con sucked last year.
he went ghost again :-?
100 texts!!??
She wants you MC
Send her a dick pic
Have you made it to second base in the church carpark under gods watchful eye yet FF?
I was exxAg_erating (or however that fuck spelled it), but it was a lot. But no, she doesn't.
Todd doesn't know what the amount he claims for state/federal and he's irate he owes....he doesn't even know what it is
Liking the new Slipknot song. Very Iowa sounding which is nice.
Irateness has reached record levels
you know he's irate as fuck when he spells out ky
dudes name is rook on family fued
I didn't "go ghost", just been really busy this week.
I know what you're referring too, but I'm not exactly sure what you're wanting to know. I don't even understand why anyone on here even cares.
Never mind they/you don't, just want lawls.
MetalCrusades said:
I'll be at the Halloween KSE show.
My friends said the RI Comic Con sucked last year.
I'll prob be there as well
No doubt
I just googled Corey Taylor and this was what Wikipedia came up with (it's since been deleted so I think someone is messing with the site)