watching fool em all last night made me want to go to kentucky. kinda pissed i didn't get in it though. should have got a frame smoking the j in the center of the pit lmao. only one standing there in a giant circle and no one was around. fuck it lets burn.
A while back after getting his check, my buddy went to the back and got $300 dispensed back to him in $2. ) Reminds me of that John Caparulo stand up "No one walks around with a bunch of $2 bills. Like, you really have to try hard to be that much of a douche."
Every time I go into my Credit Union,... I walk away with $2 bills. They always ask me how I want the money back,... so I started saying $2 bills a few months ago. I clean them out,.. but I usually get around 10 of them per month.
When they are out of $2 bills,.. I get $1 coins.
Just makes it easier for me to save. Regular bills I spend like crazy,... $2 bills has to be a special occasion.
my friend who took the pic in the glasses, it was her birthday. We'll she puked outside the bar then when the cab puked us up she piled in the cab
watching fool em all last night made me want to go to kentucky. kinda pissed i didn't get in it though. should have got a frame smoking the j in the center of the pit lmao. only one standing there in a giant circle and no one was around. fuck it lets burn.
@UP you thought Rex was the chick in the middle throwing the horns?
I got given a $2 bill when I was in Hawaii
Been to the US about 8-10 times and I've never seen one
friend spent his two dollar bill on weed when we went to colorado
Are they quite rare?
Someone told us to keep it as they are hard to find and are meant to be lucky?
hard to find but it's not worth anything maybe one day
Yeah they don't make them any more. Only reason why they are hard to find is cause every one hoards them
the last $2 bill I got was from fleshgod apocalypse when I bought something at ss a few years ago
fuck that pic of Rex.
A while back after getting his check, my buddy went to the back and got $300 dispensed back to him in $2.
) Reminds me of that John Caparulo stand up "No one walks around with a bunch of $2 bills. Like, you really have to try hard to be that much of a douche."
I have NEVER seen a US $1 coin!
I have some $1 coins and some $.50 coins