decided that next year I'm gonna take my dad to Vegas to see a big fight.. His like one dream is too see a big fight in Vegas before he died and the guy literally asks for nothing for all the work he does .. I'm hoping that pacman vs mayweather but obv not holding out and actually might be too expensive anyways.. You know I'm stopping at the bunny ranch if I go haha
Ky jay
7000 fireworks in 30 seconds
Only counted 6,998
What? :-??
I know it's you who deleted my comment in tours thread that said " mod that deletes this can suck my dick"
I've decided I'm going to start burning incense. Got a stand and a couple packs.
may or may not be going to yosemite for a few days. All depends on a family friend. hoping I get to go but not keeping my hopes up.
To cover up your body odor?
You know what goes good with that? Weed.
So? :-??
wait...does this mean Jay is gonna suck it???
Candles are better tho
decided that next year I'm gonna take my dad to Vegas to see a big fight.. His like one dream is too see a big fight in Vegas before he died and the guy literally asks for nothing for all the work he does .. I'm hoping that pacman vs mayweather but obv not holding out and actually might be too expensive anyways.. You know I'm stopping at the bunny ranch if I go haha