I think you are all fucking retarded. I just finished reading pages 3420 through this one and I have never seen this much stupidity on the internet before. Lol just how bad was this place before you fucks invited us??
Also, this white supremacist dude papi is forgetting the worst race - canadians. Also, anyone notice how there's not a single Indian (from india, not native americans) doctor who doesn't fuck things up lol?? Also, the black dude who narced on you was probably some junkie faggot tryin' save his own ass. Only time I ever seen or heard of a black guy narc & call the pigs for that shit is around one of those stereotypical african american playgrounds w/ the weird slides and woodchips & odd sun reflection on the bricks, ya know what i'm sayin'. Usually to "protect stock". What a fucked up crowd on this site lol, now all we need is @Thor & @Gtsd ranting on the jews and it's just like the old boards!!
This place was perfect until you guys came along......we had unicorns and pretty girls and intelligent discussions
You guys turn up and it becomes a wasteland of Neanderthals
If you actually read through the 3400 pages of this thread you need to question the meaning of your pathetic existence.
Also, this white supremacist dude papi is forgetting the worst race - canadians. Also, anyone notice how there's not a single Indian (from india, not native americans) doctor who doesn't fuck things up lol?? Also, the black dude who narced on you was probably some junkie faggot tryin' save his own ass. Only time I ever seen or heard of a black guy narc & call the pigs for that shit is around one of those stereotypical african american playgrounds w/ the weird slides and woodchips & odd sun reflection on the bricks, ya know what i'm sayin'. Usually to "protect stock". What a fucked up crowd on this site lol, now all we need is @Thor & @Gtsd ranting on the jews and it's just like the old boards!!
send your complaints to @Tim
He'll get back to you as soon as you ky
Yup they're real good at customers service here and the Complaints Department is superb
kill yourself
you going?
Shit seriously isn't funny
I don't want to live anymore
god damn why do we always have to get hoed