sucks they been playin the same set for 5 years man. they need to do a back in the day show too. wanna hear all the old songs man. the killadelphia set is perfect. after ashes, they went downhill musically.
Ya I'll prob see you but I like to tailgate and will prob miss kueltertak whatever their called.. If you wanna smoke a j or something I'll be in that parking right next to the venue in the right if your in the road looking at the venue .. If they have re entry I'll prob head out to the car after gojira too for a quick smoke
nothing touches ashes dawg...
I hope they come off this break and break the classics out
they need to do a smaller venue run, pack them out. Fuck ampitheaters.
Ya I'll prob see you but I like to tailgate and will prob miss kueltertak whatever their called.. If you wanna smoke a j or something I'll be in that parking right next to the venue in the right if your in the road looking at the venue .. If they have re entry I'll prob head out to the car after gojira too for a quick smoke
After two 10 hour shifts 7 hours apart, start appreciating every penny i spend.
We layed concrete two nights ago from 1:30 am till around 10am, I ended up getting a lot of it stuck in my beard, picking it out was not fun.
dat check tho
That's real mens work
Might actually start growin some fur on your berries now
they were rockin.
Fuck if that was my game on the price is right I would have won 100 grand
girl in my public speaking class did a speech about bullying and talked about the girl who drank bleach. So hard not to laugh.
It's not like I want to miss them, but I just know me and I always lose track of time at shows
want to lol and wtf