I go to a lot of local indie shows in San Jose, and I've gone to a few hip-hop shows here and there. Also I just see a lot of orchestral music and jazz at school because I'm a music major.
I'm not really into rap much. Only ones I like are underground rappers and even then its only a few. Immortal Technique, Twiztid, Hopsin. There are no modern day rappers I've listened to that I've actually liked.
Half my friends are black and I live in the South so I was bound to pick up trap music eventually. Some of this shits really catchy whether people want to admit it or not. The only thing that pisses me off is the synthesized drum beats they use.
have to make a portfolio with six entries of different shit about understanding death and dying. so far my two entries have been breaking bad and the song vicarious \m/
local natives (3)
youth lagoon (2)
animal collective
kings of leon
band of horses
the civil wars
odd future
...and a LOT of electronic/indie rock/experimental left to see
Aside from shit local bands, Trans Siberian Orchestra is probably really the only non-metal show I've been to.
I go to a lot of local indie shows in San Jose, and I've gone to a few hip-hop shows here and there. Also I just see a lot of orchestral music and jazz at school because I'm a music major.
Immortal Technique puts on a pretty damn good show. Though he hasn't toured since like 2009 or 2010.
I thought Immortal Technique was a group?
No he's one guy. Awesome rapper. Spits some real good shit.
I'm not really into NY rap. I like dat stoopid shit that gets me hyped. Dat dirty, dirty South rap.
I'm not really into rap much. Only ones I like are underground rappers and even then its only a few. Immortal Technique, Twiztid, Hopsin. There are no modern day rappers I've listened to that I've actually liked.
Half my friends are black and I live in the South so I was bound to pick up trap music eventually. Some of this shits really catchy whether people want to admit it or not. The only thing that pisses me off is the synthesized drum beats they use.
i dig Immortal Technique.
Cant get into most modern rap though. The pop rap is too stupid and dance/club/party focused for me.
And the hipster rap is a little too out there and awkward to me.
technique joined the sound strike so hes at least half retarded
I would love to see Kings Of Leon.
I go to a ton of non metal/hard rock shows, mostly indie/alternative/emo-revival stuff, only been to a couple rap shows ever, though.
If I don't blackout tonight, then I did it wrong.
I'm from Detroit, our sports fans invented rioting.
have to make a portfolio with six entries of different shit about understanding death and dying. so far my two entries have been breaking bad and the song vicarious \m/
@4ever_irate "You Don't Know Jack" is a decent one