I can't insert it on mobile but this is a text from me and my boss...I was telling her I didn't like the fact the new chick...one of the bitches I was telling you about has been getting more hours then me
Yeah I know...iv already been guaranteed a job from a friend at a taco place...and I just talked to a guy I usually work for cash for here and there...I'm Finna go in and make a couple extra bucks till then though cause she's already screwed I took a personal day today and the other best worker there went home sick
I ain't sweating it...my dad did just quit his job to be at the hospital...but he has like 7 grand in the bank...but id rather take a part time job..be broke and work my way up...then take shit from this fucking bitch anymore
Lol at your boss going all Triple H on you and using the "best for business" line. But you should just leave. It's obvious she is kicking you out slowly. No way some new bitch who doesn't have experience doing what you do is "best for business" cause that's a load of shit and she shouldn't be getting more hours than you if you're a manager either. Get that new job and do what you do, playboy.
Just realized I never posted about it here, but I'm working as a camp counselor at the Sioux YMCA in South Dakota this summer. Gonna be doing 2 weeks of training in Iowa. Gonna have to find todd and make him kill himself
That's what I thought
I can't insert it on mobile but this is a text from me and my boss...I was telling her I didn't like the fact the new chick...one of the bitches I was telling you about has been getting more hours then me
told her I'm taking a personal day...I already have a job at another taco place lined up...hopefully I an fund something better though
You won't...
i'd quit dude. From the looke of it you're already replaced as far as your boss is concerned.
doesn't surprise me by the way you type.
Yeah I know...iv already been guaranteed a job from a friend at a taco place...and I just talked to a guy I usually work for cash for here and there...I'm Finna go in and make a couple extra bucks till then though cause she's already screwed I took a personal day today and the other best worker there went home sick
I ain't sweating it...my dad did just quit his job to be at the hospital...but he has like 7 grand in the bank...but id rather take a part time job..be broke and work my way up...then take shit from this fucking bitch anymore
Lol at your boss going all Triple H on you and using the "best for business" line. But you should just leave. It's obvious she is kicking you out slowly. No way some new bitch who doesn't have experience doing what you do is "best for business" cause that's a load of shit and she shouldn't be getting more hours than you if you're a manager either. Get that new job and do what you do, playboy.
already am nigga B-) thanks doe
Finna brach out
Wow, Iowa and South Dakota.
Sounds like a fun summer.
yeah he's gonna get laid a lot
Camp counselors can get a lot of pussy.
Not legal pussy doe....
8 out of 9. Would attend