gotta go to bed and get up early and work so welfare slob mooching good for nothing can fucking eat. True Walmart the other day..ghetto bitch with her 5 out of control kids get on line behind me..Little kid runs up with candy and tries to give it to cashier while I'm checking out and ghetto bitch decides to scream on top of her lungs..GET BACK HERE THAT MAN'S NOT PAYING FOR THAT UNLESS HE WANTS TO. I noticed welfare card and looked at cashier and told her I'll be paying for it in about 5 minutes. Ghetto bitch got pissed. Truth hurts bitch. Go to work you fucking bum.
That reminds me of when the hippies at UNT started their own "occupy Denton" and some dude was found dead at their little mini tent village. There must have been like 30 people participating yet the dude was found there completely by himself, it was weird.
Going back to nights for a bit at work....owner is pissed at night crew so I'm going to get them back into shape...fuck nights are so easy....but it's going to give me the chance to look for a better paying job \m/
roommate gets straight As doe
How is that court hearing looking?
Is your ass puckering up as you think about your pending jail time?