Gojira and Kvelertak have joined forces with Mastodon for a North American tour running from late April to mid-May. The initial run of dates—with more to be announced—go on sale Friday, February 7, and are as follows:
Mastodon Gojira Kvelertak tour 2014
4.29 Portland, OR Roseland Theater 5.2 Los Angeles, CA Club Nokia 5.3 Las Vegas, NV House of Blues 5.7 Minneapolis, MN First Avenue 5.8 Chicago, IL Riviera Theatre 5.9 Pittsburgh, PA Stage AE 5.12 Buffalo, NY Town Ballroom 5.13 Washington, DC 9:30 Club 5.15 New York, NY Terminal 5 5.16 Worcester, MA The Palladium 5.17 Philadelphia, PA Electric Factory
Mastodon Gojira Kvelertak tour 2014
4.29 Portland, OR Roseland Theater
5.2 Los Angeles, CA Club Nokia
5.3 Las Vegas, NV House of Blues
5.7 Minneapolis, MN First Avenue
5.8 Chicago, IL Riviera Theatre
5.9 Pittsburgh, PA Stage AE
5.12 Buffalo, NY Town Ballroom
5.13 Washington, DC 9:30 Club
5.15 New York, NY Terminal 5
5.16 Worcester, MA The Palladium
5.17 Philadelphia, PA Electric Factory
smooth the tip
"Official Tour Info Thread"
"Upcoming shows thread"
and the infamous:
"the discussion on what's in the tours thread thread"
Gonna be amazing
I need new friends
And because ATG/Gorguts/Nocturnus AD/Immolation/Inquisition/Ulver/My Dying Bride. [-X