hey man frankie is a nice dude. Im not an emmure fan but I said fuck it and interviewed him at trespass a couple years ago and Im glad I did. free ticket and he was easy to talk with
hey man frankie is a nice dude. Im not an emmure fan but I said fuck it and interviewed him at trespass a couple years ago and Im glad I did. free ticket and he was easy to talk with
He comes off as a Vincent Bennett type of person to me, which i don't care for at all.
It just sucks that, even though I've interviewed bands like DevilDriver, Scale The Summit, Exhumed, The Black Dahlia Murder and Reel Big Fish...... my Winds Of Plague interview has 3x as many views as any of my other interviews lol
That type of music always gets ratings up, unfortunately.
I said before that it would be good for views though, I'm gonna do the interview but I'm not sticking around for their set.
It's whatever, though.
I'd tell them to go kill themselves
0 about interview points
That type of music always gets ratings up, unfortunately.
You're joking right? I was saying it for quite a while then Todd started saying it and now you.
Kill yourself started from me too 'cause I was constantly saying drink bleach.