It got reposted by a few of the popular facebook pages so now she's freaking out thinking she's gonna get the teacher, Mr. Blanchard, in trouble or that he's gonna get mad. There's a goddamn comment war on my friend's page.
I had the guy for SAT prep and was familiar with him but never had him for a class
White people are fucking weird to me man. I don't know if it's just a "yolo I can take on anything or I just love the snow type of shit, but why risk it all to come out in a snow storm just to see a fucking movie? These movies have been out for fucking weeks... Idk they're just strange to me... I hate black people too, but today my hate is focused toward the white breed.
Some of the white bread up here giving me that "get outta my town boy or I gonna lynch cha boy" doesn't help I'm repping my Longhorns hoodie. Other than that nice people and town.
>tours threads instantly deleted
It got reposted by a few of the popular facebook pages so now she's freaking out thinking she's gonna get the teacher, Mr. Blanchard, in trouble or that he's gonna get mad. There's a goddamn comment war on my friend's page.
I had the guy for SAT prep and was familiar with him but never had him for a class
These guys probably can't screen cap either
hell ya! this is them on Solid Gold introduced by Andy Gibb