Well really every conference is...but I consider the big ten to be the most friendly of them...mostly because they are the only conference to guarantee your scholarship for all 4 years
I didn't bring anything up about Michigan douche....I was talking about scholarship guarantees...and in every conference other then the big ten if you have a bad year you will get your scholarship stopped at it's handed roc the next high schooler in line...I haven't complained about a bad call against michigan since at Iowa 2 years ago so kill yourself
My mate was in Korea recently and came home thru Bali...somewhere along the way he picked up a bug which infected his leg. He's been in hospital for past month having serious operations and on morphine. He sent me a pic of his open leg wound.....I nearly chundered
The Sweetwater Brewery is about 30 minutes from here. I went there for my friends birthday party recently. I'm a big fan of their 420 and Motor Boat brews. I like Guinness and Newcastle on tap
What do you drink?