So the director of student activities sent out an email this morning saying that Greg Fitzsimmons would be at the campus center at noon to do a book reading. I didn't know who he was but after looking him up and seeing that he's worked with Louis CK and has won 4 Emmys I decided to go. Dude was fucking hilarious. Was one of the only students actually there, you could tell he was just stopping by because he went to college with the the student activities lady. Wound up getting a free signed book out of it.
So the director of student activities sent out an email this morning saying that Greg Fitzsimmons would be at the campus center at noon to do a book reading. I didn't know who he was but after looking him up and seeing that he's worked with Louis CK and has won 4 Emmys I decided to go. Dude was fucking hilarious. Was one of the only students actually there, you could tell he was just stopping by because he went to college with the the student activities lady. Wound up getting a free signed book out of it.
Surprised you haven't heard of him Yea he's awesome one of the funniest comedians going for a while now
I'm tellin ya My bro has aspergers so I'm around it a lot .. I know a bunch of people who have it through that association and this kids posts are textbook aspergers They don't pick up on social queues like other people do and are often times pretty cringeworthy Jussayinn
My friend is literally on the brink of a nervous breakdown cuz she cant find the pants she wanted to wear out to her bday dinner tonight I'll never really understand girls..
While I was at work, one of the meth head idiots from our neighborhood stopped by to ask my girlfriend if he could borrow some chlorine tablets to do some cleaning with So my girlfriend, being naive to meth, gave it to them. Around 5pm, I get a call from her all distraught telling me what she did and then telling me that they uses the tabs to cook meth...and ended up blowing up the house 2 doors down @-) So I get my ass home immediately and can't even get my truck within a mile of my house. Had to park my truck at an empty house and walk down. They tried to not let me go home, but I said fuck that noise and walked around. That was at 5:30pm. Here it is 9 and they still have the DEA crawling all over the neighborhood. There's news choppers overhead, EPA, dudes in hazmat suits, etc. Absolute craziness. I've been on and off the phone for the last 2 hours trying to get info from my attorney friends as to if they can press charges against her for anything. Here's what it looks like
Umm your doing the same thing
Off of 20 posts you've concluded the kid is an idiot and a joke so what's literally the difference
Yea he's awesome one of the funniest comedians going for a while now
My bro has aspergers so I'm around it a lot .. I know a bunch of people who have it through that association and this kids posts are textbook aspergers
They don't pick up on social queues like other people do and are often times pretty cringeworthy
It doesn't need to be negative to be considered judging
I'll never really understand girls..
While I was at work, one of the meth head idiots from our neighborhood stopped by to ask my girlfriend if he could borrow some chlorine tablets to do some cleaning with