mentally handicapped dude i went to school with DE FUCKING CEASED ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
For those of you who have known me all of your life I am dating Brandi Karns because she has a crush on me since we were little when her mom Tina Karns introduced us and now we are dating because Brandi asked me out on November 11th. Now her mom disapproves of us dating because of what we are. Just telling everyone now it was our decision to start dating even though we are half cousins instead of full flesh cousins so if anyone doesnt like us dating speak now or forever hold your peace because we are getting married May 17, 2014. Now Brandi's mom wants to call the cops on us and put us in jail but it was her fault for introducing us and everything. If Brandi's dad was still alive he would be all smiles for me and Brandi. I love everyone in my family but if anyone wants to turn their back against me then block me because i am tired of the drama. I am happy with who i am with and I aint leaving her or her life. I love you all who are my friends and who is part of my family.
one time in 8th grade this kid said he was the nephew of whoever directed 10,000 BC and told the kid he could get him backstage passes to the opening and he gave him some note cards that said backstage and crap and the kid was just like, "these are just note cards with fucking writing on them" i was fucking deceased )
I'm a proud non-reader of books
i want to also know how these guys can possibly save anyones live, they just make me want to kill myself slowly.
Iv been kicked out of that place twice =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
For those of you who have known me all of your life I am dating Brandi Karns because she has a crush on me since we were little when her mom Tina Karns introduced us and now we are dating because Brandi asked me out on November 11th. Now her mom disapproves of us dating because of what we are. Just telling everyone now it was our decision to start dating even though we are half cousins instead of full flesh cousins so if anyone doesnt like us dating speak now or forever hold your peace because we are getting married May 17, 2014. Now Brandi's mom wants to call the cops on us and put us in jail but it was her fault for introducing us and everything. If Brandi's dad was still alive he would be all smiles for me and Brandi. I love everyone in my family but if anyone wants to turn their back against me then block me because i am tired of the drama. I am happy with who i am with and I aint leaving her or her life. I love you all who are my friends and who is part of my family.