I was listening to the radio and suicide silence you only live once came on. Never fully listened to the song and I hear "you only live once so go fucking nuts" yeah.... pass I see where that got you already fool. I'd rather be there for my kid.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So I got on the elevator right as our favorite rockstar to be gets on to. With his bass. Because he's playing it. Because he always plays his bass out in the quad, but it was raining today so he couldn't go out.
>"You still play bass man?" Yeah... >"Every day?" (holler than thou tone in voice) Yeah..... >"Fo sho we still need to jam some time" I'm busy >"I got free time"
Then the elevator doors open. Thank you elevator doors.
I feel old now. I thought she was still a little kid.
>"You still play bass man?"
>"Every day?" (holler than thou tone in voice)
>"Fo sho we still need to jam some time"
I'm busy
>"I got free time"
Then the elevator doors open. Thank you elevator doors.