I'm realizing I argue with my roommate a lot. More so he's all about growing up and taking responsibility, and I'm all about being a kid. And I'm really cynical in my world view, and he isn't. Little philosophical differences... I hope our little debates don't become full-on fights.
The hipster ratio is like 1.83:2 at the Sleigh Bells show...and theres like 140 people here it seems. Any detroit peeps familiar with St. Andrews, they probably could have held this at the shelter.
Multitasking is hard: While sitting on a chair, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Then, while doing that, draw the number six with your right hand. The direction of your foot will change.
You guys look fucking stupid calling Hatebreed hardcore. Plain and simple. Mom jokes or not. I'm doing you a favor. Plz don't say that shit in public X_X
You guys look fucking stupid calling Hatebreed hardcore. Plain and simple. Mom jokes or not. I'm doing you a favor. Plz don't say that shit in public X_X
Please, dont back up your opinion with any facts or examples. Maybe if you say it 3 more times we will all believe you.
#1 College football defense in the country
> 150 dollars a week
> RickRossHustlin.mp3