So some weird-ass shit just went down. Went to take a shower after my shift at the late night grill on campus, and some drunk females decided to go into the bathroom at the same time. Keep in mind this is a male floor and a men's room, but whatever they were obviously too drunk to go up a floor to use the bathroom.
I go to the separated area of the bathroom to take a shower, and they're just being obnoxiously loud talking to each other through the stalls and shit. One of them keeps bitching about how bad of a hangover she's gonna have, so I say "drink a lot of water, hangovers are caused by dehydration". Little did I know this bitch was out of the stall and walks around the wall separating the shower area. There I am, naked as the day I was born, about to get into the shower. This bitch just looks at me and is like "Oh, my bad." and goes back around but then her friend turns the corner too. At this point I just bolt it into the shower and throw the curtain which these two take as an invitation to hang outside the curtain and repeatedly thank me for the pizzas I made them a few hours earlier. After about 15 seconds they left but it was weird as fuck.
inb4 shoulda fucked them, neither were remotely fuckable and I'm seeing someone right now
Xeno, there is not a single story I have read in my entire life where somebody built up something so quick only to make it go downhill every sentence afterward. Seriously that was a landslide of "you fucked up."
Xeno, there is not a single story I have read in my entire life where somebody built up something so quick only to make it go downhill every sentence afterward. Seriously that was a landslide of "you fucked up."
I go to the separated area of the bathroom to take a shower, and they're just being obnoxiously loud talking to each other through the stalls and shit. One of them keeps bitching about how bad of a hangover she's gonna have, so I say "drink a lot of water, hangovers are caused by dehydration". Little did I know this bitch was out of the stall and walks around the wall separating the shower area. There I am, naked as the day I was born, about to get into the shower. This bitch just looks at me and is like "Oh, my bad." and goes back around but then her friend turns the corner too. At this point I just bolt it into the shower and throw the curtain which these two take as an invitation to hang outside the curtain and repeatedly thank me for the pizzas I made them a few hours earlier. After about 15 seconds they left but it was weird as fuck.
inb4 shoulda fucked them, neither were remotely fuckable and I'm seeing someone right now
Between this show and that site my friend just asked if I was a stoner
Mom was crying like a baby til I got her back in her cage.