But where you went wrong is talking to her all day for 2 days. I noticed they pay more attention when you ignore 'em. To a certain extent of course. But they get thirsty because you're not giving any attention.
Well it's not like I didn't do that...they weren't non stop texts...I usually give it like 20 minutes between a response...and it wasn't constant all day. I just meant like at different parts throughout out the day
Might still ask her out later this week haha not really afraid of competition
Yeah I thought that for a second....cause she was telling me earlier that she didn't like guys who weren't sure of them selves and were jelly and acted like they had to compete for women :-? So maybe it was a test :-?
But where you went wrong is talking to her all day for 2 days. I noticed they pay more attention when you ignore 'em. To a certain extent of course. But they get thirsty because you're not giving any attention.
Sorry dude but I lol'd hard....everyone knows that )
Yeah I thought that for a second....cause she was telling me earlier that she didn't like guys who weren't sure of them selves and were jelly and acted like they had to compete for women :-? So maybe it was a test :-?
i can almost guarantee it's a test. she prolly aint doin shit
So I been saying kill yourself a lot irl. Was screaming it at the Lions today 'cause I was irate.
So I was just very loudly and obnoxiously singing Trololo for like 5 minutes straight and my Mom finally got fucking mad and said "OH MY GOD KILL YOURSELF ASSHOLE.".
Might still ask her out later this week haha not really afraid of competition
So I was just very loudly and obnoxiously singing Trololo for like 5 minutes straight and my Mom finally got fucking mad and said "OH MY GOD KILL YOURSELF ASSHOLE.".