I don't. He's gonna hate no matter what 'cause he's a pathetic salty ass old man, so it doesn't phase me. I'd literally rather hear anyone else's but his opinion.
And you're another one. Your stupid ass has been irate, so you're gonna talk shit whether it's actually bad or not, so it really doesn't phase me at all.
Plus someone literally mentally retarded criticizing me sure doesn't hurt me. )
Well retards usually like everything so if a retarded person says it Sucks then it must be pretty bad though I do like the way you act like you have 10000 people in front of you. Post another video. I know you got one.
I will when I wanna do another cover. In the mean time, you're obviously so much more superior since I'm so garbage, so back up your shit talk, short bus.
I wanna see you doing a cover of c and c music factory gonna make you sweat. I want you wearing a feather boa. A big fan blowing on you and some random old guy in a wheel chair with a pin wheel
Erik..seems intelligent and prob. is going places in life but you all knock him down because you know he is better than all of you. I respect you Erik. Seem like a good dude.
Erik..seems intelligent and prob. is going places in life but you all knock him down because you know he is better than all of you. I respect you Erik. Seem like a good dude.
It's not distortion moron. It's reverb, and I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Kill yourself.
I'm surprised a retard actually has the balls to talk shit.
Plus someone literally mentally retarded criticizing me sure doesn't hurt me.