>be at lunch >dude sitting with two girls >i overhear him talking about some videogame or comic or something. I missed the intro. Something about Titans >girls looking at him like mixture of and wtf? >dude says something about meme and 9gaga >girls give him more bored wtf looks >girls get up >dude asks for their last names so he can "look them up on facebook" >girl says something "Pickle" >dude goes on about how it sounds like a childrens book character name >girl totally giving a look like "this dudes a freak >I burst out laughing >awkward.
I talk about that kinda shit too... but with dudes... who can talk back to me about the stuff.
Dude, I know more girls that are into comics than I do guys. There have been these kinds of instances where a girl I know is talking about comics and I just couldn't give a rats ass about any of it cause I think comics are boring as shit (no offense). You just gotta find the right people.
There is this sexy chick that takes the bus to work at the same time as me everyday...she's always reading comic books....was thinking of picking some up and reading them to spark up some conversation )
I talk about that kinda shit too... but with dudes... who can talk back to me about the stuff.
Dude, I know more girls that are into comics than I do guys. There have been these kinds of instances where a girl I know is talking about comics and I just couldn't give a rats ass about any of it cause I think comics are boring as shit (no offense). You just gotta find the right people.
I know plenty of girls into videogames, not many (if any) into comics. I occasionally talk videogames with girls, I just dont hang out or talk with girls very often in general. So when I nerd out its usually either with dudes, or with strangers on the internet.
There is this sexy chick that takes the bus to work at the same time as me everyday...she's always reading comic books....was thinking of picking some up and reading them to spark up some conversation )
Listening to these nixon tapes talking in the oval office and they are just talking about a cover-up. Fuck no no president after him has covered anything up.
>dude sitting with two girls
>i overhear him talking about some videogame or comic or something. I missed the intro. Something about Titans
>girls looking at him like mixture of
>dude says something about meme and 9gaga
>girls give him more bored wtf looks
>girls get up
>dude asks for their last names so he can "look them up on facebook"
>girl says something "Pickle"
>dude goes on about how it sounds like a childrens book character name
>girl totally giving a look like "this dudes a freak
>I burst out laughing
What a fucking BETA.
You know it's bad when even MC is laughing at you.
And because I don't really talk to girls at/from my college at all. :-??