No one I know that has quit ever went through any kind of withdrawals on that scale. Only thing that happened was they became more anxious and irritable for a few weeks to a month. No cold sweats/freezing or twitching lol
Yes, like I said, I'm a pussy because of involuntary withdrawal symptoms I have no control over. I can't even keep food down right now. I been in Hell for 48 hours now and the easy way out is a few puffs away, but I won't allow myself to give in. But no you're right, what a fucking pussy I am. Die slow. You wish you had this kind of fucking willpower. Not just wit quitting, in everything I fucking do. Doing everything on your own and not relying on anyone tends to do that.
Try the patch maybe. That helped me. Its now almost 5 months without a cig after smoking for 11+ years. You got dis.
Nah fuck that. I'm all in or all out in every thing I do, and I know myself, if I don't succeed at cold turkey, I won't succeed at all. 2 days in and I've made it. If I can fight through tomorrow then I've made it past the big "3 day hump" every one talks about.
Shit...3 years now? Think I started at 14. Oddly enough, BECAUSE of weed. I couldn't smoke weed as much I wanted to, but squares were readily available so...
Once all the nicotine is out of your system, it becomes more of the mental aspect of breaking the habit than the physical symptoms.
I'll prolly continue smoking the non nicotine e cig. Just 'cause I really enjoy the act of smoking. It also really helps me when I write for some reason. The main reason I'm quitting is for my voice and singing, and water vapor doesn't hurt your voice.
If your gonna break the habit, then break the habit. All in or all out, just like you said. Even just keeping the physical motions of the habit is going to make it more more likely to start up again someday down the road. Just get high and write, and fuck the cigs, electronic or otherwise, all together.
Nah fuck that. I'm all in or all out in every thing I do, and I know myself, if I don't succeed at cold turkey, I won't succeed at all. 2 days in and I've made it. If I can fight through tomorrow then I've made it past the big "3 day hump" every one talks about.