There's been reports that survivors of the recent San Francisco plane crash actually stopped to grab their carry-on luggage as they were exiting the burning plane.
Also some people slid down the emergency slide, more than once.
Livefree I see you have become butthurt. If you had read the first post in the tour thread or even would have notcied only posts in there are tours you would know aside from posting tour info you're not supposed to post in that thread. It was a compromise people made since the tour thread got closed because every time a tour was posted it would get buried by pages of nonsense.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Livefree I see you have become butthurt. If you had read the first post in the tour thread or even would have notcied only posts in there are tours you would know aside from posting tour info you're not supposed to post in that thread. It was a compromise people made since the tour thread got closed because every time a tour was posted it would get buried by pages of nonsense.
Not butthurt. Don't really care enough.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Livefree I see you have become butthurt. If you had read the first post in the tour thread or even would have notcied only posts in there are tours you would know aside from posting tour info you're not supposed to post in that thread. It was a compromise people made since the tour thread got closed because every time a tour was posted it would get buried by pages of nonsense.
Not butthurt. Don't really care enough.
Is there a numerical value to represent how much you care :-?
Also some people slid down the emergency slide, more than once.
Ok I'll just stop there lol
Apparently he has an endless buffet of drugs he has access to.