To many of y'all are balls deep on what the media tells you
Which is why I posted the video cause it was unbiased and told a lot of shit the media didn't tell you.
I didn't know Martin was a druggie, knew MMA, was trying to get a gun to sell or use, and all that other shit. So now it doesn't seem crazy that Martin could beat the shit out of Zimmerman cause he knew how to fight and one of his things was breaking someone's nose and using the ground and pound. Also didn't know Martin saw his gun and tried to take it so he could shoot Zimmerman.
I think they were BOTH responsible for what happened. They BOTH could of walked away but both chose not to. Zimmerman didn't have to follow him and he didn't have to confront Zimmerman for following him.
You know how you can tell the media is what has been fueling the case the entire time? "White-hispanic"
They need to start reporting the news this way. "George zimmerman a neighborhood watch volunteer shot and killed treyvon martin a teenager. It is unclear as to exactly what happened but there was some sort of altercation between the two before a shot was fired"
But that's not sensationalist enough to get the mindless followers to get hooked in and riot.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I didn't know Martin was a druggie, knew MMA, was trying to get a gun to sell or use, and all that other shit. So now it doesn't seem crazy that Martin could beat the shit out of Zimmerman cause he knew how to fight and one of his things was breaking someone's nose and using the ground and pound. Also didn't know Martin saw his gun and tried to take it so he could shoot Zimmerman.
They need to start reporting the news this way. "George zimmerman a neighborhood watch volunteer shot and killed treyvon martin a teenager. It is unclear as to exactly what happened but there was some sort of altercation between the two before a shot was fired"
But that's not sensationalist enough to get the mindless followers to get hooked in and riot.